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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Yep - big stout steel frame either side of a bridge at the level of the bridge would do it. I like your idea for the retractable bollards for LCs, only this would be very very expensive & time consuming to do
  2. Overpriced & overhyped junk - 'Emperor's New Clothes' comes to mind. Steve Jobs wasn't exactly a nice person either apparently
  3. Oooh - so the new Apple X can be unlocked by facial recognition ey? So can my Russian designed Yotaphone2, which came out in 2014 http://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-41254093/apple-suffered-an-embarrassing-failure-during-its-iphone-demo
  4. You are paying for the badge, and to be part of the 'club'. Certainly not for the best tech currently available! Also, it is a disgusting amount of money for a phone https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/12/apple_could_improve_iphonex_iphone/ https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/12/apple_our_stores_are_your_town_square_and_a_1000_iphone_is_your_future/
  5. You could try here for a replacement motor also: http://diesel-trains.co.uk/Lima_replacement_motor_kits.html or use an old cdrom drive motor even!:
  6. Came across these vids on a youtube session. Some seriously poor track conditions, on a most likely very lightly used branch line in the US. The line is the Maumee and Western Railroad in Cecil Ohio. The first one looks like a derailment is inevitable! The Burma Road would be in better shape I reckon update on the line above: same line again:
  7. What an interesting deviation for a For Sale thread, in the For Sale section. The info posted on tram depots will of course be unfindable in the future, as noone will think of looking in a For Sale thread for info on tram depots.
  8. because they know they'd get no government funding - US govt too busy pumping it into the military
  9. Maybe start a seperate thread on cameras? Over half the posts in this thread on IRM ballast wagons are on cameras. Starting a new thread with a relevant title would make it easier for people to find the info in the future
  10. I got myself a set - not a good idea to have a go yourself!
  11. PM sent John
  12. Like the saying 'a 20 footer' I think, but for smaller scales. E.g.- my car is a 20 footer - meaning it looks good from 20ft away, but when you get up close you see all the faults!
  13. You could get thick strands of pure copper wire by stripping heavy duty cable (for cookers say) - there'd be no problem with solder taking to that
  14. Interesting! On seeing the recent pic of 142 at Whitehead with the grey undercoat in parts,I imagined an 071 in freight grey, but with the white & tan band of the 141s original. Anyone handy at photoshop that could whip up this fictional livery to see how it'd look?
  15. Sad news. May the crew RIP
  16. would it not have been a hell of a lot cheaper to install a few I-beam barriers up the road from the bridge? Let the trucks smash into them instead - easy to replace a damaged I beam, and the truck driver learns a lesson
  17. stunning!
  18. I picked up a copy of the book below. Each story is only a page or two long, but is a great read! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Railway-Ghosts-Phantoms-W-B-Herbert-x/dp/0715397834
  19. probably a bag of cans on the deadmans switch! ;-)
  20. Maybe he bought the Irish stock seperately & put them in this box?
  21. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/06/geeks_guide_mail_rail/
  22. Bad, but not as bad as Tyco Racing were hit: http://www.britishsuperbike.com/news/four-tyco-bmw-race-bikes-stolen/
  23. Where can you buy the Mr Soundguy chips from? No links or shop on his own site
  24. I plan to make it along - been dying to see inside the place since I moved down here 5 years ago!
  25. Here's a shop on Shapeways doing 3d printed Irish locos/carriages/wagons in N, and OO gauge: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/valvedesign
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