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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. I've seen some pictures of the 'sound barrier' opposite Inchicore, where some of the 001/201 locos look like the tan/orange has faded to what looks like a shade of pink even
  2. Very interesting - nice to see track renewal in the model form, just like the real thing! I've been meaning to get some G scale track down out in the garden, but haven't got around to it yet
  3. Sorted Fran - nice one!
  4. Balls - just ordered without fully reading the post above re the discount for those who ordered the other two packs. Sent an email/message using the Contact Us option on the IRM site just a minute ago
  5. Same problem here - PM sent
  6. Well, maybe he'll scrap the lot instead for the steel to make another tower block - save him having to buy in cheap Chinese steel!
  7. A great thread full of info - should definetely be 'stickied' so it stays close to the top of the Workbench section for future reference
  8. Lovely job on both the wagon & the container!
  9. I remember the very same about the gangways when I was a kid - late 70s/early 80s. Loved it! I can remember the first day of the Dart - probably the only thing I liked about the Dart was pushing the button after it lit up to open the doors!
  10. Ah sure 'The Donald' will sort that out - don't you know he's going to make America great again?
  11. Didn't people bash the Dart before it was launched?
  12. I heard one lad in the canteen today recounting his tale to others of how on Saturday, he got into his car 'just to go for a drive'. Utter gobshite. He went on to say how he couldn't even get out of his estate. Midlands based I think.
  13. Just bear in mind that it isn't an insured service. They managed to lose a watch on my dad - got successfully delivered to Addresspal in St. Albans, but then disappeared
  14. were they ever even made?
  15. Looking good!
  16. Very nice - I'll be looking forward to future posts on this thread!
  17. Yep - same here. Very enjoyable watching to round off the weekend. Simple idea running the loco backwards up the hill to stop the water going into the cylinders. I like seeing the problems, and how they overcome them
  18. You gotta love the Russians playing with the UK like that - hail hail!!
  19. Judging by the state of the loco in the picture, it had more than a couple of 'offs' over the course of the trip!
  20. Me too - the appeal of long runs, or a large depot etc would be possible in N with the space most of us have available, unlike OO.
  21. Just a heads up that on Channel 4 at 8pm tonight, starts a five part series on building a model railway in O gauge, to run from Fort William to Inverness. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/scotland-now/the-biggest-little-railway-world-11785187
  22. https://chippedblade.wordpress.com/index/improve-the-performance-of-old-lima-motors/
  23. I may do - I'll have a root round this evening when I get home from work
  24. Stunning! The blue & cream is a lovely livery - a big improvement on the all blue with yellow stripe. I hope to pickup a set on the Munster Double tour
  25. Yep - big stout steel frame either side of a bridge at the level of the bridge would do it. I like your idea for the retractable bollards for LCs, only this would be very very expensive & time consuming to do
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