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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Great photos, pining for the place already.
  2. I know this place well since we used to drive past it on the way to Kenmare in the early 70's. An Oige owned it up to about 10 years ago, but it has been in private hands since. The GSR single signal in it's garden is the one that kicked-started me off to on designing all the old signal range.
  3. Weshty


  4. Weshty


    Fek, he's off again. We're not worthy!!! Superb stuff as always.
  5. Those are filthy, durty, greasy looking wagons there Eamon. Well done
  6. Eamon, that is a lovely little job, and really helped by the fact you used a Mk1. Very crisp and proper.
  7. Jayz, I'm away 24 hours and this happens! As always, thanks for the shout out. To answer the question, YES,I will be doing the fertiliser wagon, and with a full set of fertiliser loads. It will be based on the existing 42'BF. No deadline yet, but given the interest, It could be kicked up the priority list. Don't dare ask for my number though.... Now, back to the Cement Bubbles, over to you Richie.
  8. Sweet job lads, love the little details on the sides of the bubbles. You've got the seam detailing down just dandy.
  9. That rubber rock looks the business. Nice work there.
  10. Nearly as sad to see 216 in that rancid eau de nile green. Bluuurghghgg.
  11. With apologies to Peggy Lee, if that's all that there is then let's keep dancing...
  12. Ohhhh, she black allright...
  13. And here's another one....same wagon though.
  14. Yup, that's a fine job done.
  15. Oh my giddy aunt! Just seeing this thread for the first time, that is just so sweet and crisp and classy. Handpainted numbers? So retro and so right.
  16. Now that is a tasty little sweetener
  17. Oh very nice Georgie. VERY nice. Love the plough van and you got the plough rail kink just right.
  18. Hi Brian, Gorgeous model. I think I preordered one, if not , i'll take one. Regards Des
  19. And there was me thinking it was Gort....
  20. I don't care what plastic yoke I'd be travelling on, crossing the Chedwynd, looking down over Halfway and heading through the tunnel would still be a rush
  21. Oh that is too sweet. Very nice and very unique.
  22. LOVE the weathered Orange bubbles.
  23. Sweet little job on the ploughvan there George. Almost seems a shame to paint it
  24. Suit you sir!
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