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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Thanks for the shout out gentlemen, always appreciated. The Single Semaphore Posts kit (S07)contains enough parts to make three full home or away signals (lower quadrant of course). I know that Kingscourt one only too well, as I passed it regularly on the final stretch to visit the Outlaws. A strange beast and never came across the like of it anywhere else. Finials were rare on anything post 1930's and only typically found on the Lattice style signal, which I also do.
  2. Jaysus, the images those words conjure up.
  3. For a 3' diorama maybe. Would have to say that very little is as impressive as a 141 or 071 reguaged on 21mm track, it just looks so damn fine and realistic.
  4. Dear God. What have we started?
  5. That's a good 'un. Or how about: GanWrenn (Irish) Wrennlos or ohneWrenn (German) SansWrenn (French) SinWrenn (Spanish) SenzeWrenn (Italian)
  6. Now THAT's a photo collection. Great resource for putting together a model / etch (cough) of one.... To quote Gaff in Bladerunner.."You've done a man's job sir!"
  7. You sharp eyed divil. Just see that now.
  8. I'll provide yez White circle decals and you can have it as a less rare model......
  9. Party Rosette....images of a best-in-show winning pony at the RDS with the text on it reading "I've had my bran mash and that's all that matters!" Great selection of photos by the way Richie. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Republic-Railways-087-184-Irish-Rail-Photo-View-51-/272130291417?hash=item3f5c3ab6d9:g:ikkAAOSw1vlUtOBb Mallow? Early 90's, the GSRPS graveyard?
  10. Lovleeeeeeeee.....
  11. There is a B&T 6W in Tom Ferris' A second Glance Page 71 in 1962.
  12. +1. Love it.
  13. Lan fair piggle wiggle go go gok?
  14. Yes, but very much pre-film period. First done in '67. And as you said Wrenn, the young people today wouldn't believe you if you told them anyway
  15. Shall I crank up the Python Yorkshire men sketch?
  16. Comprehensive description there. Any photos for us?
  17. Definitely. Have the can at room temperature and shake well. Ideally spray indoors in the utility room away from the sprogs (as versus the cold and damp man-shed). Secondly lots of light passes at 18 inches will ensure a nice even coat.
  18. and so the wheel turns. Is this not what IR used to do up to 15 years ago, and then got out of it because of rostering and shift costs?
  19. Daaaaamn.....loving this. As Kirley said, everything is right, all the delicate little details. Sweet.
  20. Thanks lads, I see one being purchased.
  21. Harry, Have you a website link or contact number for these.
  22. You may be right there. If ever a shade perpetuated the "70's is brown" vibe, that did. I can see Reeling in the years already....
  23. Absolutely gobsmacked Dave. What a massive collection, and no doubt every feasible permutation collected. Fair dues on the decision to move on to something new. That's called being decisive.
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