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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Transfers for those would be nice.....
  2. That is some tasty CAD detail. If that's all going to be on the model, hubba hubba! And if the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then the goodwill on this project is reflected in the number of kits preordered. Money where mouth is etc.
  3. Those are two absolutely cracking photos. Good lord but the 121 must have nearly a foot over the 141 roof profile...
  4. Yup. that'll do. Nice. Very nice.
  5. Ahh lads, sure it's only every third or fourth that has the solids in it......
  6. Sweeeeeet!! And you've decalled all the window stickers as well. Your patience knows no bounds. Looks loverly.
  7. God God, I thought it was a particularly curly coprolite for a second...
  8. Lovely lovely job Kieran. It's a nice kit and suitable paint job. Looks very well.
  9. Weshty


    Richie, Really delighted for you and Illona. It's wonderful news, maybe her first prezzy will be a little tank engine rather than a "My Little Pony".
  10. Niiiiice. Very well done, good backgrounds make all the difference.
  11. Mmmmmm. Just such a lovely loco. well worth getting.
  12. Wow, scratchbuilt steel (?) with multiple compound curves. Superb stuff. That's throwing down the gauntlet.
  13. Heat venting indeed, didbn't one or two have bogie fires in the mid Noughties?
  14. Belpaire SLNCR, beeeeootiful. I hear you about Christmas, planned loads to do, but all came to naught... Your bookshelf is mighty similar to mine, all the classics.
  15. JB, I ran Eamon Kearney's 800 at the Dublin show, and it found 2nd radius Hornby curves quite tight.
  16. I just had, so the moment of levity stands
  17. Awkward: the '90's Add a raising inflection and you have Miriam O'Callaghan down pat, as in Genuinely, the '90's??
  18. Agreed, but £350 sounds so much less than €500. Ouch. That's a Unit right there. (buddy of mine when getting his house built found EVERYTHING cost at least €500, hence "t'was three units....t'was just a unit etc.") You ok with the punctuation there JB?
  19. Clucking bell, that is not good.....
  20. Sweet job Kirley, looks VERY well. A fine blend of John's design and your application.
  21. With other ideas in the pipeline, not at the moment.
  22. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Just to add my tuppence, those windows were the devil themselves to model. Definitely an offset rhomboid of types. Not helped by the fact that the lower face of the loco is faceted but above the windows is compound curved. You are only now noting the fun and games I had back in 2012!
  23. Take my breath away. That's the finest piece of work I've seen in a long time. I had to do a double take on the second picture. And the way you've integrated it into the attic space, I can only imagine the work on this Scaha. Faultless.
  24. Sharp intake of breath after that photo....what a loco.
  25. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all you modellers out there! To the posters, the lurkers, the anonymous ones, the rivet counters, the have a go harrys, the collectors, the livery heads, the kettle lovers, the diesel heads, the brake van fetishists...and the DMU bods, Santa has a little space in his heart for each and every one of yee
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