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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. They are Victorian era six wheelers (3rd, 1st and brake) headed by a D17.
  2. John, Are you talking about this page? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_locomotives_of_Ireland The more popular ones have had detail added (I have certainly done my bit), and particularly the RPSI ones. The big difficulty is images, as you have to own copyright to put them up. There is a fair use policy on copyrighted images, but I've found it to be policed very harshly and more trouble than it's worth.
  3. Likewise. I have a Sharp Scientific Calculator that I got in '85 (for my leaving cert), used it all though college, and as of this morning, the original batteries still work.
  4. Kirley, Many thanks for the kind words, very much appreciated. There were over 25 separate tweaks made to the prototype design to facilitate easier construction, I'm glad that they were found to be of use! If there's one clear lesson from this project, it's that building an interim prototype is worth it's weight in gold, it adds to the release date but worth while
  5. That is a disgracefully tidy workbench. Well done sir.
  6. Weshty

    Irish Bogies

    The Bachmann Y25 pack retails at £11.50-£12 or just over €16, and doesn't include nuts, bolts and coupling bar, which the SSM version will
  7. Weshty

    Irish Bogies

    I'll check Dave
  8. Weshty

    Irish Bogies

    I will be making the Y33 bogie available as a separate item in the near future provided the demand exists. The pack would include the brass chassis, white metal sides, wheels and 10Ba screw and nut, as well as an end piece to enable coupling. €15 a pair (i.e. two bogie sets, four axles etc....) I'd appreciate your feedback on this one.
  9. Mmmmmmm..... Classis original livery 1980's 125 with proper full length Mk3. So, so tempted. http://http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HORNBY-R332-BR-INTER-CITY-BLUE-125-CLASS-43-HST-HIGH-SPEED-TRAIN-3-CAR-SET-/371264764122?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item56711ab8da
  10. Fine work Nelson, fine work.
  11. Dear lord, but that ad makes me want to go out and buy a Hornby classic 125 on the spot. An I already have the new Virgin one!! Dave, you had a Cozzy? niiiiiice. 105 minutes must have been done in the very wee small hours of the morning:)
  12. I wouldn't be in a rush to try Cork to Dublin at 100mph on the road, collar would be felt by Plod by Portlaoise twice over.
  13. Garfield has a very valid point here. I did a post grad in which we studied methodologies of market research. Its very important to avoid leading questions and ensure as open and unbiased a structure as possible to avoid invalidating the data gathered. If Noel's survey is just for fun , no probs, but equally, if this is the case, nothing can be formally gleaned from it if is not structured in a properly distributed manner. The survey was still fun to do though! There is some wishlist out there....
  14. I know, and me able to speak fluent Lee-side as well. Oh well Richie, you deffo have to make it down, great venue and it is modelling heaven, as well as chock full of bargains.
  15. Very comprehensive video, top marks, covers the hobby with genuine interest.
  16. Tidy. Very tidy.
  17. Just too cool. And a myriad of configurations. Niche marketing at its finest.
  18. Use the washer and a dab of superglue.
  19. Good luck guys!!
  20. David, Not only did you time it, but how much each task took. Very useful and will provide a good benchmark to others, with the following caveats -Only cut a part off the etch when you need it, especially if it's small! -RTFM (Read the f&&%^ing manual), it's there for a reason -measure twice, cut once -take your time and enjoy it. The build is the journey, and as much fun as the destination. I timed my six wheel coach construction at c.8 hours without painting, but an instruction error (since corrected) made up an hour of this... The Bredin Mailcoach took c.17 hours before painting, not helped by losing and having to redesign a door hinge or two (don't cut til you need it eh)
  21. Gebob, but that is fair different, tasty I have to say....
  22. Oh that is so money. If I didn't know better, I'd have said it was the first shots of Murphy's Models new O gauge kit (if he was doing one!)
  23. Rebel, Fine job done so far You look like you have it in hand with the left brake hanger, I'll take some photos and put them up later tonight..
  24. Weshty

    Gswr 4-8-0t

    Built in a week? And it looks that good? That's what I call a gauntlet hitting the floor with great vim. Superb work, does he have one of those GM rivetting machines? Did he use a donor kit? That smokebox is just pure class.
  25. Wow. Looking well.
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