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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Most excellent Garfield. Must put a reminder in to check it from the home PC. I can't download the PDF's from work, on my phone or on my Ipad.
  2. I expect more from a bright boy like Leo. That is a thundering clanger, but then his Sir Humphrie probably knows no better either.
  3. As has been commented elsewhere on this site, all the older editions are gradually being scanned and added to the website, damn good call....
  4. In fairness, if you were to pick a location that is both suitable geographically, culturally and with accessibility, Busaras is a 180. I'd probably visit everytime I'd get to Dublin! What I am saddened at is the Bequest, was this specifically for the FRY, and has it effectively been wasted?
  5. I will be doing them for the Ammonia and the 42' flat, and will also consider them for spares. I reviewed and rejected the Bachmann Y25s as far too expensive. On top of that, they underhang the chassis too much. By making my own I can keep the costs managable, while at the same time having a product suitable for OO gauge, run smoothly yet look "wide" enough under irish freight stock. I will keep you all posted.
  6. Richie http://www.cambrianmodels.co.uk/4mmbogies.html As you can see, they're a long way from Kansas...
  7. Ger, Absolutely loving the cabin!!!
  8. River, I don't which is why I am manufacturing my own, but won't have them for several months yet. And yes, they will fit much better into the irish gauge Regards Weshty
  9. Something else I should have added in the instructions. Yes, I cut off the back ends of the bogies so they didn't catch on the fuel tanks, Regarding the spindlel too high, have you constructed the chassis the right way around? The chassis skirts should be pointing up into the resin body not down.
  10. Glenderg Drop me a line, I'm sure I can do something for you Regards Des
  11. All etch patterns have been finalised and approved as of yesterday, so they will be ready to ship out to customers by Friday the 15th of February. I have also added the option of purchasing the Burma square type catwalk to the etch. The website will be updated with details shortly.
  12. Weshty

    The future?

    Ooooooooh. Yeah!!!
  13. Weshty

    The future?

    Nice one....seriously nice one.
  14. Nigel, Great post. I'd like to get one in the future, and your absolutely right about slowing things down. "perfectly good mechanics can be constructed in brass to replace the Faller units, at much less expense." something for SSM to do in 2014? Ohhh yeah!! Check this undulating layout. http://diskuze.modely.biz/viewtopic.php?t=1825&p=105327
  15. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    Sounds like a conflicted revisionist blogging on Politics.ie....
  16. Regarding pricing I'm looking at €7.50 per etch or €32 for 5 or alternatively €10 per etch with transfers or €40 for 5 with transfers.
  17. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    Seriously, that WOULD be exciting. Question, from a strategic view, which locos have the greater route flexibility, lower maintenance cost and suitability for freight handling? 071 or 201. My guess is the 071. Well?
  18. Looking good Ger! I like your choice of the double handrail.
  19. I'll see if I can put up some suitable cab photos in the next few days lads.
  20. Dave That is going to be awesome, best of luck and hopefully I'll have the Ammonias out in time for you. Weshty
  21. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    Well boil my leg and call me Brenda. Gobsmacked.
  22. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    It is one ugly ugly logo. I quite liked the green squiggly one, it had a cerain flow about it. This new one looks like the outcome of a 6th Class project.
  23. Sounds like standard form for that sort of personality to be honest.
  24. Thanks Richie, very much appreciated.
  25. Riversuir, to use my quote... just go for it. You'd surprise yourself.
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