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Hunslet 102

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Everything posted by Hunslet 102

  1. Great shots as always Kieran,the cement trains look good,complimented by the surroundings.
  2. Brilliant work,really love that over bridge,I will be doing one similar to represent the Boyne bridge over Great Victoria Street,any tips or technique's would be greatfully received.Like your style of doing things as you go along,that tends to be my approach also,seems to work anyway.Thanks again for sharing your fantastic work.
  3. Superb work Kirley,the station looks fantastic and the night time shots add a great atmosphere to the whole scene.
  4. Nice job on the NIR 111s,they look great.
  5. Shinkansen will need to get some of that special paint for his structure!!
  6. Don't do it like the Forth railway bridge,because once you get to the end you will need to start painting it again and again and again!!Nice bridges,will certainly look breathtaking on a layout.
  7. Great work on such a small scale.Looking forward to following this Connolly station build in tandum with Amiens Street.
  8. Brilliant work and your card making skills are superb.Have to agree about the sweeping curves,I think they add realism to a layout making it much more natural looking.
  9. Kieran-from the photo is looks fine to me ,judging by the width of your platform to the wall it does not look out of scale.Interesting stats from Richie which should help you and which I was not aware off.
  10. Power car No 82 had the downward facing horn on the cab front in the early 80s.There is a good photo of it on the front cover of Rail-runabout by Sam Somerville in this guise in the then new grey/maroon livery.It also had the downward horn while in the previous maroon/blue livery,so the horn was not changed during its repaint.The horn was in the usual place on the cab roof when 82 first arrived in 1974,and later photo's in the blue/grey livery show the horns back on the roof.How long the horns were on the cab front for and the reason for it,I don't know.
  11. Thanks for adding the link Ivor,yea a bit of a difference between NIRs 101 and CIEs 101
  12. That is just a superb piece of modelling,so authentic in every detail,look forward to the farm build in the coming months
  13. Good to see you back on the modelling trail again Stephen,look forward to further instalments in the coming months.
  14. There are a couple of photo's of my black/tan version of B105 on my GVSt layout thread,seen in happier days than from the real life photo above.I used ordinary matt black paint,then finished it with a coat of satin varnish to seal the decals,followed by a coat of matt varnish and then a further coat of satin varnish.Sorry,don't know how to link the photo's to this thread,but they can be found on page 7 on the layout thread.
  15. Great job Ivor,the model is really taking the form of an 80 class,looking forward to the completed build
  16. Great work Kieran,the bridge looks great and the subtle colouring really adds to the realism.The walled yard is looking good too and the sweep of the station in the last photo is class.
  17. Great photo's again Noel,each one a sequence of events of the real railway operation and so realistic,well done.
  18. Once again Kieran your workmanship with the goods shed build is brilliant.Your layout is shaping up to be one of the best Irish layouts around,every aspect of it just oozes class,keep up the good work.
  19. The size of this layout is just amazing,with the workmanship standard amongst the best I have ever seen.Can you tell me,the bridge in photos 7 and 8,are they homemade,the wills kit,or something else?
  20. A great period scene again Patrick,it really is shaping up into a fantastic realistic Irish rural layout.
  21. Great scenes again ttc0169,they are always so realistic that you feel as though you are looking at the real thing.
  22. Superb build,great idea with the raised station.Good use of the space available,my own layout has about the same space available and it can be surprising what can be fitted into a limited space with a bit of planning.Well done,great workmanship all round.
  23. David-re the bread containers,check out Provincial wagons website under GNR(I) wagons,Leslie has produced all of the bread containers that ran on the GNRI for 00 scale,I know not your scale but the pictures show their colours.Although the bread containers all relate to Ulster bakeries and most of this traffic would have been contained within Northern Ireland,Leslie states some did stray into Cavan,Monaghan and Donegal.This would make sense as the GNRI lines crossed the border,with some lines going back and forth along the border between each country,so I think you would be ok having bread vans.There is a link to Provincial Wagons website at the bottom of the home page in the manufacturers section. With regard the butter vans,I am positive they ran on both sides of the border,so I think you would be ok modelling one of these also.
  24. One of the excellent Markle video's has this footage from 1984 with a Hunslet at Lisburn with both the seacow and spoil type wagons on the same permanent way train.There were 70 spoil wagons on the original M2 spoil contract and some of these wagons were retained by NIR for permanent way use after the spoil contract finished.These wagons were used on a second spoil contract as stated by 33lima above in 1975.To get round the problem of the side dispatch only,NIR welded the side doors shut and converted the hoppers to convential type hoppers,although when this was done I am unsure. For those interested in the spoil wagons,Leslie from Provincial wagons is bringing out a kit for a spoil wagon,which should be available soon.
  25. That is just genius ttc0169,so authentic but yet so effective and well hidden with the shed,great job
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