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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. MY last shipment of IRM buses was a doozy, the packet stayed in Miami for almost 2 weeks waiting for a driver to ship it onward. Finally arrived with minimal damage. My signed for delivery came with multiple notices on my DHL app to change the delivery especially an option to cancel the signature. It didn't even come on the day it was finally out for delivery but did finally come the day after that. They just threw it at my door in any case, no signature required I guess but they did have a photograph of 'proof of placement' to absolve themselves of any liability. I did actually pay them for that in the order, its not Freepost I was glad to see DHL is routing my IR A classes via Ohio this time, so fingers crossed. Oddly my Silver As were ordered well in advance of anything else (order number in the 2000s, we're hitting 10K at the moment) and they have not yet shipped. Don't care honestly which order they come in but it would be nice if DHL got its act together this time. New set of notices to change delivery even before it has left Ireland, customer service right there....not
  2. The technology will improve with time. The problems are the algorithm which is incorrect and will be improved upon. The other is the actual quality of the B&W image itself because of the camera itself, and the processing methods. Let’s face it the film used is an interpretation of light and records contrast and little more. Colorization is frustrating work but not as frustrating and people putting NIR color schemes on A class and the like which drives me demented.
  3. So the emails were fitted before or shortly after going into traffic an remain there until the black livery? Seen pretty well on A33 in Ernie's photos at Limerick above
  4. I'd say there would be room for a whole set of line side things like the extra containers and fertilizer. 2 and 4 wheeled, scales, signage, porter (the fellow, not the drink), station master, driver, guard, signalman passing token, staff snatcher, passengers attired in yesteryear, woman pushing old style pram, typical Irish cart (donkey include, all the better), 1970s passengers for lighted coaches (ahem), the list is endless, but a representative assortment from that would not go astray at all. We all need to think out louder (telepathy server ON... Check!)
  5. Actually, that's not that bad. Usually a railway book is like £5 and shipping to US is something like £24.89!
  6. OK, THAT's IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!! I'M LEAVING THIS SITE IF WE DON'T GET SOME CIE BUILT STOCK TO GO WITH THE EARLY A CLASS (God knows how many likes this is going to get, what HAVE I done!.... )
  7. Excellent! Now about that rolling stock, strike while the irons hot and all that .... (milk gets sour you know, unless its non-IRM, but there's no demand for that cause it's 5h!t3)
  8. maybe post one or two if there is anything interesting in there? How did you resolve the scanning issue in the end?
  9. So when did they get the snails again. In photos it looks like the were more than paint, more like fitted to the side of the loco but I might be wrong since they would likely have remained there if so
  10. A23R and A39R both gone now, that's the last of them until the rerun
  11. You have got to be kidding me, Noel! it's barely been commissioned and so much other stuff to do. There's the MV Hibernia and a lineside model of Carlisle pier first surely! Sure, you'll have no room for it on Tara Junction anyway
  12. Very interesting to see the railcar, only ever saw that in model form. Assume its the railcar itself which accounts for the bumpy ride rather than the track. Any audio video uploaded to the site is hard to get rid of once you hit save (I think) Don't accidentally mix in any personal videos now
  13. Longer locomotives currently prohibited on this section
  14. 1960s, date uncertain Some lovely shots once again, Ernie. There's a slight inconsistency on the dates on two photos of A15. I wonder when it was actually reliveried into the lined green? 4 Jun 1961
  15. Hopefully earns some cash for the RPSI or some in kind payment from the CIE works?
  16. Just wondering if you have actually used this? It does seem to have back EMF Does this one work well, install easily , no wires showing? Looks like it has a small stay alive so hopefully no light flickering?
  17. Do you ever feel like the railways had a relatively greater importance and were better equipped to cope then than now?
  18. I have an IRM shipment that has been stuck in Miami for 10 days already. Stephen looked into this and its due to a shortage of drivers to take the shipments any further (so apparently not some importation nonsense in this case) I knew about this shortage but it's hard too believe they're just sitting there along with many others. More worryingly there is significant concern that the global supply chain is reaching a critical point, a collapse of which would be very disruptive to put it in its best light.
  19. Very well deserved especially for such a new company to the modeling scene A testament to attention to detail I would say Its a shame there seems to be little recognition by Hornby of the Irish aspect of the business though
  20. My shipment of vehicles left Dublin with DHL on September 23 and has been stuck in Miami since September 25. No word from DHL or DHL express, I don’t know what the difference is. This happened on a DHL shipment previously where they just sent it back to IRM without a word. Impossible to find out anything from them. I hope this is not a sign of things to come with my A class shipments
  21. 69-772-735 in NIR suburban livery and IR logos on cab front and coach sides, Arklow 1988 (other sets were 68-761-737 and 86-xxx-740, I can't remember the third). The IR branded 69 trio spent quite a lot of tine on the Cork-Cobh line 735 at Bray, sets were in service 1987-90 Sidings at Connolly. Single IR set of Points alway at the 'leading' end of the coaches on the left side (both directions)
  22. Probably worth watching this on Youtube and noting some suggestions in the comments section also
  23. Hang on, the container is not full! Did they forget to put in the laminate stock?
  24. Just wanted to remind everyone that the best way to run your silver A class is double headed
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