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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Easy way to make the chips! The plane itself would be easily outrun or shot down by any modern fighter aircraft but its payload is the very real and dangerous relic of the Cold War and it's been looking like we're heading down that road again
  2. Great clip, John:-bd
  3. Interesting tail fin identifier
  4. Careful, now! …..You reap what you sow;)
  5. I think this is way above the odds and good luck to her. Fortunately a kindly site member found me some a few months back
  6. Great analysis, Eoin. That really describes it well. The problem is that (with smaller wheeled wagons) the wheel nearest the frog falls into the gap/well just before the point of the frog. When that wheel hits the frog point, it meets resistance, momentarily 'stopping' the wheel. A moment-arm through the centre of gravity of the wagon (generally in the center of the wagon on relatively straight track) causes the axle to rotate toward the 'stopped' wheel/frog which (if unchecked) will allow the opposite wheel (on the stock rail) to rotate toward the check rail and ride up onto it - derailed. This also aggravated the wagon 'tilting' toward the frog. If the check rail is the correct distance (close enough to) the stock rail, it provide a counterforce on the inside of the flange of the wheel on the stock rail, keeping it in line with the rail and forcing the 'fallen' wheel to remount the frog point and keep rolling. If the space between the stock rail and check rail is too wide counter pressure cannot be applied to the inside of the flange on the stock wheel flange to prevent the axle rotating. Eoin's solution exploits that by narrowing the gap between the stock rail and check rail (on each road) allowing the counter pressure on the stock wheel to occur. This suggest that the distance between the stock and check rail on the Hornby points is too wide opposite the frog. Does anyone know if the Hornby point stems from an era when wheels were a cruder design with deeper flanges and the point design was never improved upon? As Eoin points out, the deeper the well the greater the probability of the a problem. So this would be less of a problem with a Code 75 point than Code 100 (which is all that Hornby make, I think). This seems of be less of a problem with Peco points, so they obviously have the check in the correct position regardless. The problem does not occur with larger wheeled rolling stock as the wheel crossing the frog is large enough to ride over the gap and frog point without falling and attempting to re-mount the frog point. I suspect that this is also a problem for lighter wagons and maybe bogies more than fixed axles. Since I don't have a layout, this is somewhat speculative so please correct any points that are incorrect.
  7. would this help? http://gizmodo.com/5592010/this-train-lays-its-own-tracks
  8. Thanks for the heads-up, Wally! Products now acquired fom site member
  9. Product obtained. Thanks to those who PM'd me.
  10. Careful, lads! You're close to straying off topic here=))
  11. You paid tax dollars, not punts or euro?
  12. Alan, PM sent. Click on Notifications/Inbox on top right of page
  13. ……...and all because the lady loves Cadbury's Milk Tray
  14. Interesting, I may call them……
  15. Problem with the rails it's running on rather than the rolling stock, I think. Hard to have an appealing service when it's quicker to get there on the motorway … if you don't get a pressure sore on your buttock waiting to get there:D
  16. It's called the Woolworth principle, I think. they'll likely sell out first and Kernow maybe last (which is fine if you're looking for something that's almost sold out)
  17. The Independent article refers to a website http://www.trainsplanestoys.com but this doesn't link to a server and does't even appear to be under construction
  18. She's a lovely model, Sulzer! Also on my list (eventually). Glad you're happy with her. Sensible swap by model shop…...keep the customers happy. They don't have a website though…. they did, by all accounts on the web, but it's gone for at least a year
  19. :banana::banana:
  20. Yes, I agree with you, Fran. Kernow usually has prices about Stg5-15 over the competition depending on whether it's a coach or loco. Definitely don't like the (lack of) a proper shipping quote at Rails, hence my previous comment. In the UK, my experience has been that Hattons site is very good and the staff are good when there's a problem (one coach received defective, returned, no quibbles, return postage refunded). Yes, I already worked that out, it's only a couple of euro per coach but if you're buying a rake….
  21. Why don't you PM Richie directly about this? I'm sure that this can be resolved easily which would be in everyone's best interest:) If it is resolved happily please post back on here also
  22. I do where at all possible give preference for my new purchases to Irish model shops. However, shipping always seem to be more from ROI retailers. I know that Hattons etc. must subsidize the shipping charges and write it off as an expense. Also websites that are set up to quote international shipping charges and quote and automatically deduct VAT for non-EEC orders are more user friendly to order from. Something to note in lean times:)
  23. Pure Luck! Usually I'm still at work when you are all posting and everything in the For Sale is already gone! Unlike John Mayner, whose about 19 hours ahead of me where it's already Sunday in NZ. So, basically, he can buy anything on the site before it's even posted! Very nice work though:-bd Thanks, Richie!
  24. Wanted: MM0141 & MM0187 171 acquired Still looking for 187 and 141 original with tablet catcher etc:trains:
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