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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Richie, What era does the model cover? I might be interested in an RTR Kevin
  2. David, would love to see some photos at the post mortem.....
  3. It's cheaper at Rails https://railsofsheffield.com/search/search-results.aspx?searchTerm=murphy+models
  4. Hilarious thread =))=)) .......just don't let the serious modellers catch us wasting space on the server here
  5. Thanks for sharing that, Stephen! God Almighty, Richie, that's very impressive!
  6. I can't see the video:(( It "doesn't exist" and presumably has nodded off to sleep in Binaryland with a little bit of Nighty Nighty, Sleepy Snoozy-Snooz. Any suggestions?
  7. Appeal to her home economics. The garage extension will be cheaper than the divorce so you'd be saving money:rolleyes:
  8. Yes, it would be cheaper and maybe better to have some kids design it. Usually a couple of million wasted with this nonsense. I think both the retro white livery and the present livery still look great on Aer Lingus I think it is 'fresher' without it
  9. That's amazing! Found the shot of it in it's infancy….
  10. Nothing to go on then?
  11. Actually it's not black, it's more like a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, dark blue
  12. Don't upset the bosses "I'm a Moderator, Don't call me Len"
  13. You mean dazzle ponies, right?
  14. Good stuff , Ben! enjoyed the first of those. Looking forward to the rest:trains:
  15. The 201s are not my favorite locomotive and this color scheme doesn't look bad overall. I don't mean to get too nostalgic, and I know those with 201s will love this either now or eventually, but it does't remind me of anything remotely Irish either by color or design. The color scheme is like something more typical of post-privatization in the UK. That logo reminds me of something I did in art class may moons ago although they at least didn't drop every upper case letter! Having griped about all that, I'm not really a fan of the silver/green DMU livery either, so maybe there's is just no pleasing me….. Change is good at least for modelers and certainly for the vendors so that is probably no bad thing and whether it's my cup of tea or not, it's something new for the The Irish "Railway Modeller" or The "Irish Railway" Modeller, but let's not get onto that again…..
  16. Fantastic work, David.
  17. So.... I decided to find out........ Noel's right. This is a "wholly IFM product" per Tom but is not on their website and is "a special order only". I'm not sure who special ordered it on eBay but it's a nice GSV and there if anyone needs one right now. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Irish-Rail-CIE-Dutch-steam-heating-van-ideal-for-murphy-models-etc-New-/261767106946?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cf2891182
  18. Behold some of the dumbest f**** in the world. If they were smart enough to put the flag up correctly they might have the bare minimum IQ to be gainfully employed as unskilled labour, at fast food restaurant etc. instead of stealing every tyre and pallet for weeks on end to disrespect the flag of a sovereign nation they know little or nothing about. Only citizens of that nation have the right to burn that flag under the gravest circumstance of civil peaceful protest against a government democratically elected to represent their interests. If these individuals are unhappy with their lot they should burn the Union Jack and deliver a letter to Stormont (assuming they have gained sufficiency literacy skills while building bonfires) I witnessed one of things fall over and melt the asphalt on the road once. Needless to say, that community didn't contribute to the resurfacing, which is why I am wondering if these guys live in that caravan to the left (I can only hope)
  19. Directly from the SilverFox website ( to save me typing it) The C (201) Class was manufactured by Metropolitan Vickers as less powerful versons of the 001 Class locomotives for mixed traffic use on branch lines. Unfortunately, they suffered badly from the unreliability of their Crossley engines, which were also underpowered. The entire class we re-engined with General Motors engines. Originally, these locomotives were numbered C201-C234. As the locomotives were re-engined (rebuilt), they were renumbered B201-B234 to reflect their increased power. The prefix letter was later dropped. Hope this helps IR/IE 201 Class Orange, Black Band, after rebuild B230, later just "230"
  20. JHC, jhb! I was thinking of buying some of the them. Now you're forcing me to save all my money! Care to elaborate, maybe a photo or two as you go……? Eh, do we need a new thread for that?
  21. Interesting….. "To seat 25 Passengers" "26 Seats Down Stairs" Presumably the driver is allowed to be seated
  22. I know that's their eBay handle but I don't see a kit or rtr on their website. Wouldn't they be selling it from their online store if that was the case......? They don't say it's IFM (or SF for that matter)
  23. Nice one Nelson=D Magnificent layouts!
  24. Sorry, Paul!
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