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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Interesting! This is a point I had been meaning to ask, i.e. whether the motors were geared and sufficiently wound to achieve they top speed of the real locomotive. For instance 141 might be scaled to top out at 70 mph but a 071 would be differently geared or have additional copper wound on the engine core to enable a scale top speed of 90 mph Noel, you ran the locomotive without load which might limit its speed even further:confused: That being said, I do not know how much load a rake of coaches or freight would provide (if much at all, especially on the level) since they'd be the correct scale size but not necessarily the correct scale mass/weight
  2. Oh, Lord help us!
  3. Nice job, BK. Not sure how much work that was but that's a great resource:tumbsup:
  4. I think many are waiting on the 121 (including me). I think nobody would seriously want to crowd-fund another 121 unless PM declared his had been shelved indefinitely, in which case the crowd might want to approach PM to go ahead as the funded model. I guess I am hoping for the 121 as soon as it can come out and another model to boot (I suspect many who have "chosen" the A on here may be thinking along these lines)
  5. I don't think anyone on here intends this to be an insult to Paddy Murphy. You could easily argue that many of us would not be modeling Irish outline save for the hugely increased interest due to MM models. This was intended to potentially add some more diversity or has been discussed earlier, could be used to bring to the MM 121 onto the market sooner, which might then make way for an other model either through MM or crowd-funded, possibly A class, or whatever.
  6. Yes, Rich. I agree you'd need the whole rake. Problem with D&M is the price so if people are having a potential problem here, well that's a harder pill to swallow. If its your modeling period and you have to have them that's one thing. Personally, I think they're beautiful but I cannot justify spending that much on them
  7. Oops, been skewing that statistic a little GD as I viewed the new comments that were posted pretty regularly. But yes, have seen all the usual suspects on the thread but that's not a lot of people. Based on BK's? recent stats there are hundreds of people on this site. I'm presuming (Mod, correct me if I'm wrong) but only members can vote on this poll? I notice when I'm on the site that there are several members but many more guests at any one time. They may be modelers that do not happen to be members or casual passers-by, I'm not sure. I'd need to refer back to those stats on that thread. This is not a general election for another rainbow coalition:rolleyes: If you want to have the possibility of a new model you've got to vote, folks. Even if its no, please still let us know that you're not up for this. You don't have to post any comments. So far with 21 possibles, we'd only have to buy 25 models each so I'm still optimistic
  8. Why would that many run together? Was it for safety? i.e. there would be one train on the line rather than six separate locomotives? Each still had to be operated independently?
  9. Nice post, GD. I hear all your points and agree that there must be a huge amount of work to be put in to ensure that the model is somethng that people will be happy with in the end. Personally I don't really like the D/E but that being siad I might well buy one if they became available even if I hadn't put money upfront for it and if excess was available. I know some of the issues raised about the SF A class was the slow running characteristics over points etc. and wonder if a DCC with a stay alive would be capable of delivering that or not in the D/E. I presume your doing these with 3-D printing? But yes, we would need a few more than you could produce. With regard to the four things you list I think that some of them are already met in terms of the financial backing being the upfront payments and you would deliver the models to the prepaid buyers unless you're producing excess. It goes without say that the manufacturer would be very important and probably your first point is the most important of all. Cast your vote on the poll with your suggestions for the D/E and who knows...... PS nice looking cab there
  10. I think that is what is happening with these posts to gauge interest? People are suggesting two or three on here and hopefully there will be some predominant items recurrently mentioned, which I guess would be what we potentially run with if it went ahead
  11. Kiernan, I love this layout. VERY very nice!
  12. What I'd prepay for and relative level of interest in each model A class (one, probably more) C class (one) 121 (at least two if not produced by MM) 800 Class steam (three, since it is a difficult kit I couldn't model yet)
  13. anyone know who does these for CD?
  14. at least it's a three car set, this brass overlay went for more than i expected http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331373531438?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. They're not dirty, they're weathered:D
  16. Sorry, wasn't sure what Discovery shed was. :doh:Nope, if it's Sky that's probably off-limits. Maybe it'll help revive the flagging model railway interest, apparently sales have been falling off, yet interestingly, not a whole load of stock being sold off at knock-down prices
  17. Maybe consider a crowd-funded high quality rtr model instead?
  18. Tell me this is not on the BBC again:facepalm: Is is streamed anywhere that you know of.....
  19. No harm in that except that the existing threads on DCC should probably be placed there:dig:
  20. OK, Rich. We understand that there are models everyone desires, I would love all of the above in rtr too but to keep this on thread for a locomotive that you'd be willing to pay up front for, what would you like to see?
  21. Glenderg, can you please explain your reasons for your psychiatric diagnosis and why a D or E would be a more reasonable choice? Any model that would be potentially chosen would need to have wide appeal, so everyone is hankering after a D or E class? Remember, not everyone will kit build for whatever reasons, and it may be that, (say) an A would not appeal to those modelers who've already built one. It was suggested on this thread due to the twitter on the site regarding the lack of an excellent A class model in terms of running chracteristics as well as an accurate detailed bodyshell. May be we should do a poll on what people are actually after in their hearts, "' if only they would make a ......". Maybe one of two choices for what they would want (i.e. put money up front for, right now if needed), tally the results and see if any one model on there has maybe 500 wishers
  22. Thanks for support, BK
  23. Yes I think these are all very good points. Of course these two ideas do not need to be mutually exclusive but for all of those waiting for the 121 to come into production that might realistically help speed it along. Incidentally those of you have your finger on the pulse, can you hypothesize why sales have slowed down. I was not aware of this since I have been purchasing lots and stuff recently,my main problem being lack of availability of the items that I need.
  24. Thanks, war bonnet. If anyone else has any interest in this, please get on this thread or forever hold your peace about availability of more good quality Irish outline models
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