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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. You gotta be careful on theBay
  2. Love that transit van Eamonn. Very nice job!
  3. What's the fate of 175 stored at Inchicore? For preservation or spares?
  4. Very interesting. I looked again at the Derry photo and remembering Mayner's comments that it may be a different chassis altogether for the first batch of wagons which this was http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000307375 To me it looks like there is a vacuum hose on the left of the three-link, more similar in appearance to some of the flat wagons than the bubbles, with a pipe travelling obliquely above it down the near side of the chassis, turning obliquely in again at the far end PS Sorry about three posts, something is acting up on the iPad, couldn't merge them
  5. Disgraceful lapse in Health & Safety on the Railway in that video. Not a high visibility vest in sight. I hope Ms Clancy was wearing her steel-capped stilettos!
  6. I wonder if it was easier to discharge the tanks with the discharge pipes co-located?
  7. SSM is going to do rtr ferts? What's the number?
  8. The biggest downside with this system is the need for a (presumably) fiddly physical connection to allow charging of EACH loco. If you have more than one or two, it would drive you (me) crazy. They are talking of an update with inductive charging which would be a huge advance; a few placed in a fiddle yard, platform end, storage areas, drive up and ready to go when you are...
  9. As far as I am aware the bubbles were vacuum braked from the outset, each series from 25050 onwards, certainly recorded that way in 1967. I'm not certain the bubbles would have been retro-"fitted" that quickly, so they'd have to have been in the front/middle of a partly fitted rake even if loose coupled vans and a brake brought up the rear Would definitely have to second that, JB! A rake of bogie ferts definitely one of my favorite freights. A rake sorely needed
  10. I don't have a 142 I want to part with but PM me what you need
  11. Looking great, Richie. I was just curious as the "Presflo" method of fluidizing powdered solids to facilitate discharge from tankers has been of interest on the forum before
  12. They are priced at over the odds in general, unless you really want one, in which case, it's not!
  13. Anticipated your post being the next one as soon as I wrote blue there, JB. You're right in the sense that the top of the tank is a much lighter color. Why were the H & Palvans a lighter shade if this (formerly) was the order of the day? Hard to work out the number in the shadows of old photos. It would be 25112 as they were numbered 25050 onwards
  14. Detail looks great! Very very good. Any details to be added to the bottom of the dual discharge cones or that's hidden by the chassis?
  15. Indeed, 25062 is from the very first batch of bulk cement bubbles. Lovely shot, Dave,. Really like the blue/grey livery
  16. A fraction of the cost of tooling up for a model.... Paypal login ..... 1ft : 12 inches scale.... send:trains:
  17. Not as good on the variants of the W irons and axles boxes but had certainly noticed the lack of the hand brake lever. This shot has barely enough detail to appreciate the lack of brake levers on at least wagons 3-5 and at various point through the rake http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000306218 While the bulk grain 25001 series wagons had donors, I didn't see any record of a donor for the bubbles Prior to posting that:confused: Happy Researching!
  18. Clearly both types of wagon were in operation at various times. The O' Dea collection has an 8pm CIE goods leaving Derry in 1968 with 5 Guinness tubs spread over 2 wagons. I'm not sure of the length of these flat wagons but both have space for three Guinness tubs in line without the need to stagger them. http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000307472 And to add insult to injury there's this
  19. http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000307375 Bubble at Derry, 1967 http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000306704 Bubbles at Kildare, 1967 Had been wondering about the blue/greys in all of this. Maybe you can share the various other details at some point?
  20. 25062 from the original series of 20 wagons 25050-25069 (1964) definitely had BULK CEMENT stenciled accross her tank as you have probably seen in the O' DEA collection, Derry, 1967. Oddly I cannot make out the roundel due to the color and angle on a B&W photo but it must be there just below. The O'Dea collection has a rake of 7 bubbles behind an A class passing Kildare in 1967. 2508x is from the 25 wagon series 25070-25094 (1965) but the last digit (likely 8)is obscured by the ladder. The three bubbles nearest the photographer clearly have the CIE tan/white roundel and BULK CEMENT and the remaining wagons (although illegible) all have the appropriate white color in the correct position to indicate that the visible rake of seven wagons were stenciled with BULK CEMENT. Normally 20 wagons ran in a rake behind an A class, so it indicates how common the BULK stencil was, (likely everything in the 60s) Back to concrete, Locomotives & Rolling Stock of CIE and & NIR Doyle & Hirsch (1981) p.79 shows 25156 from the 25140-25199 series introduced c. 1972 in Drogheda (?Year 1972-1981). Locomotives & Rolling Stock of IR & NIR (3rd Ed., 1987) p.77 shows 25152 from the same series in Limerick , year undetermined. Both clearly have CIE roundels and BULK CEMENT. Anyone who might still have the instructions for the MIR cement bubble kits will see two liveries for the bubbles with orange, CIE roundel, BULK CEMENT from "1963-1979", and cream/ivory, Irish Cement from "1979 onwards". Clearly not everything had the cement scraped off the tanks and were reliveried immediately in 1979 (if at all)
  21. You don't understand, Harry. I meant your door in Westmeath 8 hours ago. Meadhbh, new plates for Macha, just Tailte to acquire:p ......... And JB has still got 141 for sale, I think
  22. Already picked the lock with the pointy thing:p
  23. I googled everything I could think of and could not find the old forum. Does it still exist or is it in binary heaven?
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