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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. No, have moved onto selling off some locos now! Even more work in that!
  2. Hi All, I have 2 of the Murphy's 141s in Supertrain livery, moving them on as they are too early for the time period I hope to model. Both are in excellent condition, packed in the original boxes with the detail packs unopened.. Looking for €225/each plus P&P(or can meet in D7/D15 area), or if there is any interest would swap for 141/181s in IE/IR livery, or MK2Ds in IE/Galway livery
  3. Only found out after the event! Got €300 for two Irbus, an airlink and a EFE Bus eireann, which then bought two Murphy models 201s in the big IRM sell off a few months back.. Miss my buses but I kept a few good ones The NOT for sale pile!
  4. Only one available in Ireland? Shit I sold mine to a guy in NI and created that guys monopoly!
  5. There’s 2 on adverts also: https://touch.adverts.ie/models/murphy-models/30009868 https://touch.adverts.ie/models/murphy-models/30090592
  6. Dutch is the obvious choice, can go with the park royals, the IE mark 2a/bs and the RPSI mark 2s! And also with a heljan tank wagon for a DASH refuelling train
  7. Fran must have a tired arm from singing all 504 of the certs.. It looks like he was just doing squiggles by the time he got to your Noel!
  8. MOGUL

    Customs & VAT

    £23 is the lowest price, it’s goes up in small increments as the weight increases.. I got a loco, a coach, some containers and a few diecasts sent over and it was £28 for 3-4kgs..
  9. He is right.. it's madness to put more Lo/Lo capacity on the South side of the river for a number of reasons but mainly that the Glass Bottle site is about to have a ton of apartments build on it, the residents of which will not want the noise of container handling on their doorstep, also stacks of containers aren't nice to look at to most people(a few individuals on here spring to mind as notable exceptions) and gantry cranes with running lights at third story level accross the road.. A better plan would be: 1) Move the liquid oils and Tar business out to Bremore(with provision/future proofing to hydrogen), overcome the lack of deep water by building a Dolphin offshore connected to land by a undersea pipeline.. The presence of so much petroleum products in the port area actually limits the development of the surrounding areas under SEVESO regs.. This could be served by a siding of the Belfast line is demand sufficed.. 2) using the space made available on the north side, expand lo/lo ops all along the river bank.. Close Alex road and incorporate it into the new terminal. This has the added benefit of keeping Lo/Lo on the Northside which has rail connections 3) Build a new Ro/Ro terminal on the south side, Ro/Ro has less of the issues than Lo/Lo, so is a better neighbour than a container terminal.
  10. These 6 of them with the sausages, rashers and butter you asked for!
  11. Dapol have done this one as a two pack with a Samskip also, hazzy fuzzy printing but the tooling is more representative of a modern LEG1 than the Bachmann 13.6m tooling
  12. @Darius43, did I spy a Stolly in your workbench thread?
  13. Michael Brady is the guys name.. Think he lists his stuff on eBay also… Nice models if a bit out of my price range, those vans were €25 each but you can see the time and skill that goes into them in the results
  14. Decent price for the MK2s since some went for €100-€125 each on Facebook during the week.. Sod’s Law it’s the day I’m out and about they go up(and back down).. Missed out on the MK2s when IRM had the Murphy’s stock too as I didn’t realise they had them! Some day soon hopefully, but if not at least I’ll have MK2s/bs and NIR MK2s by the end of the year
  15. I have a few Irish and Northern Buses lookings for new homes.. All in original boxes and good condition.. Based in D7/D15 area or can arrange post at cost EFE Translink Wright Renown- €40- SOLD Corgi OOC Plaxton Premiere in Bus Eireann Eurolines €30 Corgi OOC Plaxton Excalibur in Ulsterbus Tours livery €25
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  16. Where are you based? Heading to Cork this week I think
  17. Due to be Blackrock this year I think, will have to spring for a foive goys!
  18. My 210 arrived with the white plastic cracked and the loco sitting at a funny angle.. Besides the steps on the bogie frame, no appparent damage to the loco thankfully.. The packaging in the 071s was a bit sturdier I think, so obviously the lesson was learnt
  19. I would say unlikely I'm afraid.. DAL were east Africa specialists(bought out by Hapag in 2020).. The only time I have seen DAL equipment in Ireland, was a small pile in CTS in Dublin Port.. Not sure if they ever moved from there even!
  20. Hope your hungry @DJ Dangerous
  21. Again? Where is it this time?
  22. Airfix Hurricane Mk1(early) getting a first coat on the pre-war black and white undersides.. Have made slow progress doing a little bit 20mins at a time on lunch breaks.. A nice easy kit with some good crisp mould lines/details, and the modular approach with different propellor, tail fin and fuselage/tail wheel underside options is an excellent one IMO, allowing the small differences over the life of the MK1 to be modelled..
  23. A nice history, and of more sentimental value than building the airfix kit.. I have the airfix one in the stash here, have put building one of the long finger for years now, but thinking of doing one as HSL 108 being captured by an Arado 196 or else HSL 108 in German service after being repaired(if I can find any pictures for reference)
  24. In our defence, none of that info is obvious from the ad on adverts and I didn’t link the sellers handle back to you.. I just saw an ad at €180 for something that’s listed at €100 on IRM.. For somewhere kind of in the Eu(aware canaries is a weird case) the costs quickly stack up!
  25. Reluctant to sell at anything less than 80% of a mark up?
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