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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Richie, you're knowledge & skills know no bounds, as for me, I think I have a few of each in their boxes, in boxes, in the shed, but I won't be doing anything to any of them, I may have to call on your skills, I know my bounds !!! Thanks again Paul
  2. Love that scene Patrick, so remote, isolated, perfect, btb
  3. He there NIR, that really sounds great, I couldn't get the first video to open, but no 192 sounded fine to me, well done, btb
  4. Richie, hope you don't mind me asking, ( question from the uninitiated ) but is that the RIGHT version of the restaurant coach or what, Thanks in advance ps. If you blank the 4th window dos'nt that leave an unusual space on the end !
  5. Hi Tonybonneyba, was there supposed to be a photo on that, or is it my IPad that's at fault !!, btb
  6. Rich, just to clarify a few things, 1/ Mega standard= my opinion, 2/ Capitals= take it what ever way they like, 3/ Railway Modeller I'm not, Interested in model railways, playing with model trains I am, 4/Never Joined a Group, I Joined Website for people interested in model railways I believe, at the end of the day it's horses for courses, that includes prices & standards, Paul
  7. Very well said one & all regarding the Irish ( small manufacturers ) who have made the effort to produce rtr Irish rolling stock to such a totally mega standard which we, who are so privileged to have these people in or midst should at all times be complimented for their efforts, & yes they do charge a fee for their efforts, & as I only process a very few of these rtr items yet when I can I will buy even if it's considered highly priced at least there produced ! not like those who have evidentely never learnt the meaning of " put up or SHUT UP "
  8. David thanks for that info on sceanery, very informative, for what it's worth, when going out walking the countryside, or where ever, take some photos,take lots ( everyone has a camera or phone )photos can be helpful later when doing your scenery, & if you don't like them! delete
  9. Brilliant tutorial, very well done Richie, a master at work,
  10. Get in the queue,
  11. TDR, those video's are just mega, sceanry is awsome, over the bridge, I thought I could see neighbours, very well done, btb
  12. Kieran, totally mega, love that Sulzer, keep them coming,
  13. Hi MikeO & thanks for posting those pics, nice & clear,its at exhibitions & shows like that, that we get to see items like the railway, bridges, roads, stock, with great detail which is so important to some if not all of us when it comes to getting our layout right, even if it's only I our own eyes or imagination !!
  14. He guys, have a look back in time to Dublin 1976 http://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/A-drive-back-in-time-through-1970s-Dublin-VIDEO.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Best%20of%20IC%2010.27&utm_term=The%20Best%20of%20IrishCentral
  15. Much as I wanted to go to the show it simply wasn't possible,it would seem to have been a great success, well done to all concerned organising, take a bow, PS I would go along with Noel regarding a tea / coffee sit down spot, & a chance to chat with the gang,
  16. Our very own Maureen O'Hara has gone to that great Cinema in the sky, I'm sure she'll light up the big screens where ever she is now just as he did here, may she RIP
  17. It go's to show, there's one born every minute !! http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/shocking-irish-rail-footage-shows-motorists-crashing-into-level-crossings-34137819.html
  18. Found this today, its not very clear, but may be of interest to someone on here, anyway there's a shot of what looks like an American steam loco at 8.54 on Irish Rail !!!
  19. Thanks aclass, I think I may get me something, but as ritual says don't tell the ladys !!!!
  20. Might be " The Ideal Homes Exibition " just a guess !
  21. Thanks guys, now is that: 2-DO-2 " double " like 2-DOUBLE-2 ??
  22. Hi guys, first, thanks fr sharing that, now anyone mind telling me ( hope I'm not seeing things ) what the wheel arrangement is on that loco, thanks in advance,
  23. Broithe, that's cheeky, well done & thanks for posting, & some very nice looking layouts
  24. Worked fine, what a great memory from the past, thanks Eoin for posting, rare auld times !!
  25. GSR & DC I accept all your points regarding this very sad incident, I posted it as it's related to railways & of course in this instance a very sad one. When you read about things like & I have read about other cases like this & worse where you have to think the World has gone crazy, there are no winners in this case, thankfully the child survived but will have to overcome the trauma, which in time I hope he will,
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