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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Ah, my mistake... apologies!
  2. Keep those posts for the 'for sale' section, JB!
  3. Sorry to hear that, Leslie. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.
  4. JB, are you entirely certain your locos can't be converted to DCC? Most older locos can still have a decoder manually 'hardwired' by someone with a snips and a soldering iron...
  5. There are also some nice shots of class 70s passing Downhill on freight workings... 1977: http://www.geograph.ie/photo/3462144 1979: http://www.geograph.ie/photo/3462139
  6. Obviously that would depend on whether they were deemed to be at fault.
  7. Only caught the tail end of it, but what I saw looked quite interesting so I'll be going back to watch it on the online player.
  8. While the famine accounted for around a million dead, it was not the trigger for people leaving the country (although it caused a spike in numbers). Mass emigration was under way for a few decades prior to the Great Hunger, with around a million having left by the time it struck, so regardless of whether or not the famine occurred, the population would likely not have been much greater than it turned out to be.
  9. Don't forget the NCC railcars, JB... and the Drumms! And the SLNCR railcar, not to mention the narrow gauge ones on the Donegal and West Clare.
  10. Basset Lowke models aren't known for their fine detailing - the 'look' of their products hasn't really changed much in over a hundred years - but they have a loyal legion of collectors.
  11. Ah, the Cap'n. At least he can be thankful it wasn't the loco that was named after him! He has a long history of ending up on trains that break down... http://thequietus.com/articles/03195-the-damned-s-captain-sensible-on-why-he-likes-trains
  12. Hi Goldwyn, I draw your attention to my moderator's note above, where I ask you to contact the Bushmills team directly to see if you can get clarification from them over the railway's status. Unfounded allegations over the its viability and speculation over possible destruction of items such as model railways, etc. benefits no one. By all means let us know how you get on when you contact them.
  13. Hi Goldwyn Valley, and welcome to the forum. Have you tried contacting the Giant's Causeway & Bushmills Railway directly for an explanation? Mod note: I'd prefer if we could stay away from pure speculation while the concern is operational and has representatives who can answer queries through normal channels.
  14. Gents, can we keep this on topic please?
  15. I hope you don't mind me correcting you on this bit... it was a local community group in Mohill that purchased the station house and it was restored by FÁS workers.
  16. I certainly agree with you about that.
  17. The C&L group never planned to go beyond Mohill, in fairness. In fact, they'll be lucky if they ever reach it. It'll be interesting to see the proposals for the greenway, and I'm sure there'll be a bit of craic around the town with the festival.
  18. Actually, I asked because I was interested in reading more on the topic. Edit: Thanks to GSR800 for posting the link.
  19. Seriously? While there's no disputing the standard of the models Fleischmann produced in Germany, the quality of RTR models in general is higher than it has ever been before, and the overwhelming majority of these products are produced in China.
  20. It'll still need to have a minimum radius of 22".
  21. It can't, as Dave explained above.
  22. It's ultimately a Government decision, not Irish Rail's. Decision expected next month. http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0805/719405-dart-underground/
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