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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. On 121 grand a year to eat sambos, reply to 2 emails daily and read the paper, sounds like a grand job Anyway Irish Rail have loads of whistleblowers, they are called guards and train dispatchers....
  2. Seen it being done plenty of times tbh, the 3 small dioramas across from the IRM stand at the Dublin October show all had them, just ambient sounds for each one
  3. For The Sopranos fans in here.....
  4. Look for a Heljan one, they were shorter. As used on the MRSI Loughrea layout, suitably regauged to 21mm. 121's and J15's sit nicely on them
  5. Faster than the show!! Now bring on the moaners 'cant say you weren't told!!!'
  6. Split - there was also a table in the old York Road depot - not sure if it worked mind, and the triangle for the 'cross harbour link' would have been around then - just!
  7. Well you felt the need to point it out and share it here, you could have easily not done this, so by doing this you are funding him on youtube too
  8. FOMO?? They will be marked as seconds anyway like the ones were at Raheny. 'Caveat Emptor' if you are later buying them preowned
  9. Take it these are Worseley Works 'scratch aids' kits??
  10. HO theres loads of work needed, but for 00 / 21mm a bit less
  11. If you modelled the layout in 1/87 (HO) scale, EM is bang on for 1600mm / 5'3 gauge.
  12. They were attached to any loco that was to travel through the tunnel, or associated with Channel Tunnel trains, ie diesel locos bringing trains to the UK portal at Dollands Moor to hand over to 92's. This is why the EPS 37/6's had the cast Polos as they were intended to bring the Nightstar Channel Tunnel Sleepers as far as the portal, the Railfreight Distribution 'European' 47's had smaller painted on ones under the drivers side window, as they were bringing freight to the portal. The EPS 73's just got them to look cool I reckon, used mainly for Eurostar towing and recovery
  13. In short - no. Dont bite the hand. Just be thankful they are making these
  14. 'Sicker than the train to Knock'
  15. Yes, all dual control, 'left' side generally has the CAWS and Train Radio equipment, right side only used for shunting
  16. 31st April 2023 please god,allah, jewish god, tom cruise, atheist spirit.......... Bit of patience maybe? He has only just announced them. If you had gone to the MRSI show last month you could have asked The Man in person and he would have told you
  17. Late Entry - MRSI St Davids MPD, probably at the back near the wagons
  18. Definitely controller, NCE Powercab / Roco Z21 the way to go. A wise investment for either unit
  19. Not very long - was the 1st 141 to be stood down, moreso for parts, circa 1993/4. 191 was the final STIR loco after its little adventure to Clonsilla
  20. The Model Railway Museum they were very much keen to wash their hands of you mean. Anything 750 sq metres or more preferably in one room will be considered
  21. Exactly - We may have enough layouts between the clubs but none of the clubs would have enough people to run them, and do all of the non glamourous jobs that also need to be done - selling entry tickets at the door, selling raffle tickets, fixing issues, working in the exhibitor/public canteen, cleaning toilets, manning doors etc. Between the bigger clubs (in Ireland as an island and elsewhere) there is a small group in each that both organise shows and bring layouts to other shows - quite often this is the same group of people, hence no trainset for me this time round, and the last time too The costs of venue hire coupled with hotels etc currently preclude having big venues and the big bluechip sponsors are not interested. We are very thankful to have the support of both Irish Model Railway Manufacturers having watched them grow over the last few years from small but confident newcomers to rubbing shoulders with the more established manufacturers - and doing better than them too Cheers Fran, as one of those organisers it combines the skills of many, a lot of patience along with bashing your head repeatedly off the nearest wall, being trusted with sharp objects and being of sound mind and body - and having the skills of a dozen people, along with finding people with similar skills who are ready and willing to help out over the 3.5 days Every club is suffering, so if you are local enough to one, join. Not all about trains either, plenty of social stuff too, meet like minded individuals, learn new skills that are useful outside of the model railway hobby too. Reading a lot of 'I don't have the skills to do that'- join your local club and learn these skills. Quite often they are a lot more straightforward than you think, be it weathering, scenery or making baseboards, along with everything else https://www.modelrailways.ie/clubs - details all of the current clubs in Ireland along with the MRSI itself. Membership of the MRSI for 2023 is a mere €70 - probably the cheapest and best investment you will make of all your model railway investments in a year - works out at €1.34 a week........
  22. On behalf of the organising committee for the Model Railway Society of Ireland Model Railway Exhibition we would like to thank everyone for attending our 2022 exhibition which exceeded all expectations and ensured that the annual Model Railway Exhibition in Dublin is back Attendance figures were approximately 2000 in total over the 3 days with Saturday and Sunday having similar attendance figures with slightly lower on Monday. The few issues we experienced over the weekend were part of our learning curve and we will endeavour to make things better and smoother in 2024 We were down 25% floor space in 2022 compared to 2018 and negotiations for space elsewhere on the premises ultimately let to nothing sadly Even the largest of exhibitions (e.g. Warley on a Saturday) get overcrowded This was also possibly the last show to be held in St Pauls College, Raheny as we feel the event has now outgrown the venue - any changes to the venue for the future will be communicated well in advance
  23. Well there you are - Stranger Things Have Happened The price will be higher, but less than what they are going for now Same moulding which is a testament to how good the first ones really where (are). Buy some now and dont be 'ah shur Ill get them again/later' as the production batches will be small Plenty of pre-warning too!!
  24. Another first for an Irish Model Railway Exhibition A common sight across the water when certain new models are released at shows there
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