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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Maybe they'll get that going again, too - https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=baku&hl=en&ll=42.881845,47.657053&spn=0.001645,0.002411&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=10.873972,19.753418&t=h&hnear=Baku,+Azerbaijan&z=19
  2. Nice documentary, but the fuselage is never sixty three feet in diameter, maybe twenty three... Nice footage of 201 at 30:40, though.
  3. Mmm, you say that, but St Patrick himself did the 201 twice...
  4. Giant aircraft have been a bit of a Russian speciality, ever since the world's first four-engined flight by Igor Sikorsky's Ilya Muromets. ..through the An-22 with those monstrous turbo-props.. .. and the Tupolev 114 - the largest pre-747 airliner..
  5. I would love a 22k. It would be nice if sets could be connected to make a 3+3 set.
  6. Some clips on YouTube already..
  7. Here's a foot-pump - just go and top 'em up, will you..?
  8. All the parts existed for the second one, I believe. Just the commercial case for it is pending. Maybe there's been some cannibalisation, though. Despite the commentary, I'm not sure that runway length would be the issue that selected Shannon, it may have been more to do with parking facilities.. 285 tonnes empty, 640 tonnes full - a serious beast.
  9. No, that was a mere 124. The 225 is stretched, widened and has two more engines - and a roof-rack.. There is talk of extending the principle even further...
  10. http://www.rte.ie/news/player/2013/0521/3536326-worlds-biggest-plane-lands-in-shannon/#page=2
  11. If you read that one way, it does sound like you have kidnapped him and are holding him to ransom for a piece of cake - I do rather hope that this is the case..
  12. Adavoyle Junction is a fine monument.
  13. That certainly sharpens it up..
  14. When I had a proper job, we had a note on a drawing that said - Apply a very small amount of petroleum jelly and then wipe it ALL off. The idea was to get a very thin coating, but that note always amused me...
  15. No masks, overalls, goggles, gloves, helmets or hi-vis - and can you get toe-caps in that lad's size..?
  16. This sort of thing? From:- http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/gallery/ja_whitehead_weedtrain1971.html
  17. Also available in a full-size form..
  18. Just in case anybody gets confused, IPA means this.. ..not this..
  19. An equivalent device to the Trix brush can be made from two Peco cleaners and a piece of wood - as outlined above.
  20. The Peco wheel cleaner is still a good and cheap device. Add a couple of croc clips and you're away. Or, even buy two and mount the brushes at a suitable spacing and drop them on the track - there is a contact strip on the back that will collect power from the rails directly. For non-driven wheels, a brass brush in a cordless multi-tool is a good way.
  21. Good stuff. Handy to have it all in one place..
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