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Everything posted by K801

  1. in theory, it it still possible to put a line to Youghal or that is totally dead now?
  2. K801

    order confusion

    Thank you sir. Apologies if I came off frustrated, just quiet tedious going thru all my old emails now going thru what I ordered on IRM orders and cross referencing them with accurascale orders to see what's missing/deleted/refunded and will email back as its nearly 100 models across many orders
  3. K801

    order confusion

    Thanks, I'll email for the third time.....
  4. Team, Has anybody got a good direct contact still for IRM? The accurascale email seems to answered by someone unfamiliar with the Irish side and I'm not getting the correct answers. I have had several orders deleted, refunds sent to credit cards that I no longer have and deliveries sent to old addresses in IRM that's somehow is now the default address in Accurascale thanks
  5. K801

    new accounts

    Hopefully IRM doesn't waste resources branching out into O Scale and just concentrates on 00 locos, coaches and wagons
  6. Thankyou, B113 and B114 has been added
  7. hi all, with new and future IRM locos coming online, I decided to shove old stock to the back of the unkept testing part of the layout. Does anybody have a list in order of what locos were on the Inchicore sound barrier? i believe the first loco on the Houston end was a bent buffer beam 040 or 060 A class, but how many Sulzers were on it and in what order? Even better, any video footage anywhere? Thanks
  8. A girl I was dating at the time worked the trolley on that train, and was also on the Cravens derailment by Ferrybank in Waterford a few years later
  9. Well, its just that I couldn't build a sand castle never mind a 3D printed model lol
  10. looking forward to seeing this BUT hoping IRM will do a 8101/8301 someday...
  11. 036.mp4
  12. I agree but I have seen at least 4 different videos with 201/141 or 141/201s combinations, maybe thats a hilly line
  13. I seen quiet a few times in old CIE youtube IRRS videos what appears to be a 141 and a 201 hauling a train in multiple, especially on the Dungarvan line. Was this a practice when two 121s or two 141s wasn't available??
  14. Give it 4 weeks than there will be nobody to help anybody
  15. K801

    Shop question

    Thank you. Before I could purchase both Accurrascale and IRM models on the same site so they would all be shipped together to the USA, is that not the case now and I have to place two separate orders now?
  16. Can you still buy Accurascale models on IRM and IRM models on Accurascale? apologies if I missed a change or something.
  17. Are all 071s/111s still in service Have any become a parts donor?
  18. In the US, lots of people volunteer to be security officers in there free time just to be legally tooled up. I'm all for it.
  19. will a BELL tanker be offered?
  20. was a deposit asked for during pre ordering? I can't remember if I paid a deposit or not thanks
  21. I asked Rails if they could verify my Hatton's Genesis order today, it concerns me "no order information" answer. Hi Paul, I am afraid we have not received any order information as of yet, we will be receiving the order information and the models early September, and we will be in touch to confirm the details. Kind regards, Joe
  22. loved 73109 + 73213, not sure how up to date wiki is but shows 27 still in service
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