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Everything posted by K801

  1. will there be a BELL tanker? (RTR)
  2. https://www.rte.ie/news/dublin/2024/0730/1462601-dart-west-approval/
  3. Has there been any statement from PM himself?
  4. Great photo, loco needs 25 more decals as I see some empty space
  5. K801

    LHR to Dover

    Team, I am flying into the UK Wednesday for a rare cruise around the UK/Ireland, on one of the worlds biggest ships The ship leaves from Dover, can anybody help plan a train trip from London Heathrow to Dover Admins I'll delete Wednesday thanks Admins I will delete Wednesday thanks
  6. excellent, thanks for sharing Wesford70
  7. Its called a train station because, yawn, the hint is in the name?
  8. who ever drove a bin lorry thru a closed level crossing ( there must have been a train approaching) that could of caused hundreds of injuries and fatalities needs to be found and prosecuted on multiple attempted murder charges of whoever was on that train
  9. Is the coach still there?
  10. Got a load of IRM orange cements £50 a pack, yipeee. Thanks for posting the link
  11. Just curious if there's any plans on MM bring out NIR a/c Mk2s?
  12. As someone in production and logistics I'll attempt to try explain this a different way. Normally when a large run of an item is manufactured, a good 10% or more extra can be made as "attic stock" for a ton of legit reasons from first runs to try a new mold to tweaks and adjustments on the assembly line. Now, this attic stock costs money in labor, materials, transport, utilities and storage. It is possible after a certain amount of time, these items are sold off to recoup these costs. Now, in this case weather they were first offered to MM, or if its in a contract or if the factory does what it likes who knows, but the best customers are always returning customers and if the factory went rogue, they would loose repeat business. I suspect there is a middle man in here somewhere who probably purchased the excess stock and sold it off. Unless there is a statement from MM ( whos website is rarely updated) its just drama, rumour and gossip, but I honestly would not buy a model from a shady source.
  13. Buy your models thru IRM, support the lads and get great service
  14. Do the fake models happen to have different running numbers? ONLY JOKING Seriously, when the models hit Paddy Murphys warehouse, maybe he can put an official seal sticker on it that its genuine.
  15. Is there a way to tell they are fake?
  16. Pity the 1st class Mk4 doesn't have 7 windows and 56 seats
  17. Not sure whats to the left, the old station? What will happen to this area, a new freight yard?
  18. My apologies for not paying attention and keeping up on the news, will we still get our pre ordered Irish coaches?
  19. Lovely models but I can't see them a fast seller. Because of the price, the market if already flooded with locos, the pending IRM C Class, its a previous issued model available cheaper on ebay and the coming ICRs We need more coaching stock not locos me thinks
  20. When a handful of old coaches was painted from Orange to Green for the film Echos, they looked great!
  21. K801

    Big Boy 2023 on tour

    Yes in the past but not these days. A diesel is always kept in the consist now for the brake compressor
  22. i'm looking forward to the new Waterford Transport hub, that will be finished in 2099
  23. How many people is employed in the Iarnrod Eireann heritage office ?
  24. K801

    IRM "

    If you have the same log in for IRM & Accura Thankyou If you have the same log in for IRM & Accurascale, does it combine the rewards, points etc. or are both websites separate? I wonder how many Platinum (lottery winners) there are lol
  25. K801

    IRM "

    Hi all, I see I have reached "IRM Gold level" in the shop Is there a link somewhere to what all the levels mean?
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