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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Yep, OO works was limited in numbers. As good as it was for its time a proper one, Slightly more affordable with DCC Sound, Controllable Lamp lights, Flicker in the Firebox, Animated crew with wave and a bit more finesse would be great, or anything in Blue!!
  2. Well a Bachmann Class 20 'Green' with sound and the Booster Ordered.
  3. Excellent news. Looking forward to that! Sound one duly ordered already in the head. My Buddy bought a Manor from IRM at the show, Bargain price too, I dithered too much given that it was GWR, Looking forward to seeing his one go!
  4. Wonder would PM do another release of those at some stage.
  5. Lovely Booster Loco in the mix! Sweet! And in black looks awesome.
  6. That link does not work: Home - www.alphagraphixkits.co.uk
  7. 2nd run so with new running numbers Great to chat with you at the show.
  8. FYI: Fundraiser for Margaret Dean by Klaudia Minto : Fred Dean's family (gofundme.com)
  9. I enjoyed the chat Saturday , Nice to see the progress and the size is very impressive. Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  10. To Redish as Sean Says, Could of been the Leds in the Cabinet and the fact the internals were not coloured too.
  11. True that but they are certainly 70's style now.
  12. I thought it was way too bright. Maybe as the interior was orange too. Did not see Paddy so did anyone ask if the couplings had been improved. I suspect not.
  13. Well Chunky Tension locks on the Diagram. Maybe thats a clue to the tooling.
  14. Looking forward to seeing this, Something different.
  15. "We will also have original tara mines bogies lose, sold as seen for €2 each!" I take it that these the Squeaky ones?
  16. I've passed on this link to him so Des might pop in with a bit of luck.
  17. Hi Lads, contacted Des on Linkedin and he said he is still up and running. dezsullivan@gmail.com.
  18. Man Alive that is sad news for his family, A nice chap indeed. RIP Fred.
  19. Anyone know if the coupling tension lock arrangements have been improved? notorious for uncoupling due to the Springing action
  20. Dettol. thing is it rightly expensive and hopefully that paint is enamel. Depends on the Resin too so be careful. or: CARSON PAINT REMOVER 100ML | TAMIYA ACRYLIC PAINT | PAINTS / ADHESIVES | Catalogue | MarksModels Note Vid below is for Plastic. I used the method recently. Took Ages, Messey and parts smelt of Dettol for and age afterwards.
  21. Have two of these cast iron Signal Spectacle holders with arms, you would not want them posted, they weight a fair bit. ]]
  22. With the Z21 you can do this from your handset, no mucking about but fair play.
  23. Very nice, Tempted for sure but have enough locos and wrong UK operating era for me!
  24. The close coupling looks great.
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