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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. has to be offloaded yet too. I'm in no panic though!
  2. The Cadena is not ever reported to customs yet, Last arrival was 25th into Dublin. Cadena 3 is Still at sea and underway when I just checked plus the arrival is not even reported yet by revenue. Last arrived on the 25th
  3. Crikey ordered a A Class sound Chip yesterday and it arrived today! Some Service!
  4. Thats the blessing of the Firestick, No Ads! and you can skip the promo crap. I have not watched actual Aerial type TV for ages now. I quite like the Nature programs on the Beeb. RTE Efforts are pretty lame
  5. tks for the Reminder, Had a gig Cancelled in Vicar Street for that night now so will be able to pop do n.
  6. Cheers Tim, Dealing with Customs and clearances is what I do to pay for these toy Train toy things! Sick of the sh1t now to be Honest, Mistakes and issues right across the board every day to deal with from all the major players, Computers have made this a lot harder TBH
  7. I needed to pick something up in the Cork one when that was open and they did have a visitors area. With covid maybe not now. Oh and one more thing FED EX / TNT are now getting their stuff done in Philippines. I have massive issues trying to get customs entries corrected. I wonder have An Post Contracted this out also.
  8. FYI The T/C is 8 digits for exports from EU and 10 for imports. The Slash is obviously an issue with an optical reader or data transfer for that. Tis a real pain for sure BTW I thought I got a clean getaway with a package from FED EX last month, Came home to a letter telling me I owe then 14 notes for the vat and clearance. Customs clearance€5.00 Disbursement fee €8.23 Plus a 1.15 Vat Fee So not too much of a rip of price I had feared but never the less it cost me 6 notes extra for this delivery now. Christ the EU have done us Zero favours here on this one for sure.
  9. "as long as the item is sent with the correct customs information there would be no issues with the item coming in" sorry but this is the senders issue, The information needed was not supplied. What are they supposed to do make up the Taric codes on import? sorry that is just not done and there is where the issue was. Daft that it cant be resolved here while IM is dealing with them though. Also for any one that has a Magazine subscription from the UK a lad has told me An post are looking to collect about a fiver for the pleasure of customs clearing these.
  10. As I said before, Big opportunity for the Irish shops here but they are a bit stuck in a rut with stuff like this although Marks did have cobalts at one stage
  11. Thats is really nice TBH. I'd nearly be tempted
  12. https://www.museumsassociation.org/find-an-object/object-detail/?id=17ceee4f-51fb-eb11-b76a-00155d079965 Handy to make a few quid for Train BNB
  13. It works for us pretty well over the last while, just a bit of Bad luck you got caught in the Strike. Don't give up bud! Could be worse and stuck in a ship in a canal somewhere
  14. Radio add Surely boy. Ra
  15. Good Stuff , We were waiting for those Slash hooks for ages!! Bout time!
  16. Fair play for waiting about for an LMS yoke tp appear. Never liked the Scots TBH.
  17. Nothing to do with me! If you moved with DB Schenker I could of pulled a few Strings Two chances of that, I don't even get a poxy discount on the trains.
  18. I trialled that with my steamers, no go, The diesels were fine but the Steam locos did not look good.
  19. Some nice Gift ideas here if you have any coin left after all the new stuff, I have the Fermoy Viaduct one and pretty nice it is too. Two for you Dubs. https://www.harrisartanddesignstudio.com/postersofireland/posters-of-ireland-range-posters-of-dublin-city-pearse-railway-station-poster-by-gerard-harris https://www.harrisartanddesignstudio.com/postersofireland/posters-of-ireland-range-howth-tramline-poster-by-gerard-harris One for the NI Lads https://www.harrisartanddesignstudio.com/postersofireland/craigmoreviaductbygerardharris-32 One for the Cork Boys https://www.harrisartanddesignstudio.com/postersofireland/fermoyrailwaystationbygerardharris-18 Wicklow lads:
  20. "Maybe someone in customs don't understand the parcel labelling properly or do not like Hattons parcels" Customs don't to the Customs entry, it would be the guys in An Post to input the details and send it down to Revenue for the Duty and Taxes. What An Post do is put into their data into their entry, Send it to the customs system which then will calculate the costs and return the Vat and Duty costs. Rubbish in Rubbish out.
  21. Hi folks, IRM Going from Strength to strength it seems! I never saw these in the Flesh so to speak so would these 3 packs (1-2-3) be run together in a Rake? Would the Driving trailer also be pulled in the rake by a 111 Class? Where would the Similar Lima Liveried coaches fit in with these?
  22. It Certainly is until the time you turn around after getting distracted by her indoors and just after sticking the Decoder in and say 'Now where did I put that roof" !!!
  23. "What I've never seen but would be a nice addition to DCC projects would be train braking sounds as an rake of coaches come to a stop and the cascading break screech runs down the length of the train as each coach comes to a halt. The sound of a rake of cravens or laminates coming to a stop was iconic. The mk2 and mk3 coaches were not quite as screechy" It imagine it will be a matter of Time when coaches will get say mini speakers in for just that effect Noel.
  24. Blimey, all those functions, I have difficulties remembering what 10 did on the early ones, Not a hope with this one. I'd be selecting Guards Whistle and some Dub accent pops up to tell me I am going to sligo or summit and fans, compressors come on etc....I'll try me best!
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