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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. It really Needs a You Tube Channel!
  2. The P is a beautiful loco, Run lovely too, When 1st released I purchased Bluebell (could not resist!) and a black BR LC version. Is there any plans to revise the tool such as firebox flicker in the future? Hopefully now with this SR loco we will get some company for it in the not too distant future.
  3. My last orders came through rails and with An post, Vat to paid and €3.50 custom fee.
  4. My RPSI and the NIR blues arrived today and whisked out of sight... Had a quick peek before she arrived home and I love the Etch End plate in the RPSI pack. Bit of reading too included. Both Look amazing, Bag of bits like a mini kit and the Presentation is 1st Class. Can wait to see them running with the Lights etc. No doubt these Vids will spring up shortly on utube
  5. Boxes Arrived and the Other half was out so there is a god., Kids off school however so could be grassed up. One box was well heavy!! Looking forward to a peek at lunchtime. thanks IRM
  6. I am so dead....The amount of stuff in the door the past week was bad now these........aaargh!!
  7. Shame that,, Would be a great prospect to get people in Waterford on it rather than going all the way out to Kilmeadon. I thought the tracks were nearly all the way into the old south terminus looking at the OSI map they are? Steam is exciting for sure but I hope that don't change the loco too much from what it is now.
  8. Mmm Wonder will they enclose the Cab. Would they of not been better of building a new one rather than a museum piece. I hope this does not go wrong and end up in the shed for years. I quite a boring run tbh. Suits a casual vsitor. It needs to go into Waterford to make it anyway good. Been on it twice. was enough.
  9. Hope the engine gets looked after and not a one year wonder. Could tempt a lot of extra helpers now to get hands on.
  10. Good news then.
  11. Named after the very place they are made from..
  12. Dunno where the spec came from but certainly not sprung buffers one the ones I received this Morning. Doubtful they are metal too. Have not run any but the Tension lock springs seem much more robust and less sloppy so fingers crossed they run a lot better. Used the Cash back on these too, Took a right ol chunk out of the total! Sweet. Better than the Lima ones though and pretty happy with them too. True Should of plummed for the IRM ones myself, Better overall given the price.
  13. €229 price for those. Glad I got them for <120 back in the day. The ones going on FB recently for around 200 sponds so were are Bargain. Did I read somewhere that there was there one Loco in the new batch that had IR and IE Logos on it, The pictures listed are not the pics of the actual locos.
  14. Brace call for sure and welcome given the debates on various forums. So the lights issue on the A classes could be fixed by IRM?, squeaky bogies?
  15. Bit of a Drought from the last release. Looking at my Stock list of Irish Coaches, I am getting to the point of saturation really!! I got rid of the Lima Galways and bought a rake of those as I do like the livery!
  16. Quite possibly yes, I have not ordered any but I suspect these will be in the shops for a bit anyhow.
  17. Excellent. the Bogie twist seems to be an easy fix from what I have seen on the Net.
  18. Bulleid Booster 20002 BR Black-EFE Rail-E82003 | Gaugemaster (gaugemasterretail.com)
  19. They looks better with the red gone for sure. Any probs with your bogies? Thank fully I did not require a complete set of Era's.
  20. It 60 notes a coach, should be right from day one but glad I don't produce or make these things!! I'd be peeved.
  21. This arrived today, looks very smart and will look sweet next toothed Bulleid diesel in the same livery. Down side is there seems to be a fault with the bogies nitvreally true which results in some of the wheels not sitting on the track. Some chaps have had issues with running, as i dont haveva layout wevwill see at some stage if thevwill cause me isdues, if it does Hopefully an Easy fix Doubt I will reorder stuff again as like previous models these errors seems to get fixed on a 2nd release.
  22. Nope bought zero from them. Mind you Jan was a Killer, Bought a Kayak, Drysuit and some other gear,Class 20 and Booster. Totally wiped out.
  23. Interesting point, There are 1000's of locos never run, God know I have a shed load myself that I have built up for that big day. Even though the receipts are in the boxes I doubt a claim will be entertained. The Mazak Class 31 was a bad one. Hornby would not entertain anything, I ended up buying a chassis block and installing all the gubbins. The Squeaky IRM bogies were another one. It would of been nice to have the defective bogies replaced Free but I can also see that as they have said Irish stuff barely breaks even so maybe not feasible but it was said the models were out of warranty when someone queried a free replacements.
  24. Blimey, Only went once. Wonder if the IPMS Telford will go the same way at some stage. hopefully not, There is not so much an Ageing Demograph in the ol plastic kits side when compared the the Model Railway side plus the kits are still a wee be more affordable!!
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