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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. If the Baccy 21 pin chip is 4 Function chip then only one cab light will work on one end from the ones I have tried out. Try going through the function buttons from F1 to F8 G
  2. Far from it!!. I learned my lesson to be a good boy nowadays!!
  3. Is it a Bachmann Decoder or a Murphy Models decoder you have in the 201. Select has 8 function plus F0 for lights
  4. If I got a pound for everytime this layout was mentioned in the shop I would have a good few bob now!! The new area looks fab!!
  5. The green dots are Lens Refraction of the headlights within the camera.
  6. Heres the pic of the track part with the cover removed. Take out the Blue electronic component and put the track back into the layout and insert the wires. that shuold be the end of the problem for you.
  7. Happy to help, Good job your threw up the piccy.
  8. Just PMed you G
  9. Err, That was myself or Roy Mckay (I sold my PC-9). I had a kit in my hand the other week but sold it. It was 1.72 resin. G
  10. Is the power track your using a orange coloured one?, Hornby have a DDC power track specially for DCC. If it is the Orange coloured Power track socket, then you can take off the cover and remove the Supression Capaictor in that or change it for a DCC power track which is: R8241 Also it could be the Back EMF is set wrong. Had this problem on a few baccy chips recently. Hope that helps but try the power track solution 1st. tks George
  11. cricky, Your a warrior for those 201 kits, Great work as well, Loving the weedspray to Had a chap that brought in a 08 that did not work they other day, DCC fitted as well. Took a look at it and found two holes had melted on the roof where the chip had been placed. Some amount of heat must of been produced to do that from such a small PCB!!. He thought it was the Exhaust ports!!!
  12. Its amazing what the eye does not see and the camera picks up, Need to tidy up the buffer casting as well by the looks of it!!
  13. In between quiet times I have been Beavering away with this one. Simple enough kit of a lovely Aeroplane. She is gonna be in Suez Markings.
  14. The MIL arrived tonight, Quick visit down the pub and back to the bench, 1st two 40fts are done, 2.5 hours soldering the attachment points along the side, Cleaning up and soldering them on took most of the time up. Quick wash, There are a bit wet still and touch of paint on em. The extra shim on the bogies came in handy as it is now nicley buffered up to the 141. There is some weight in these!! Quality model kit. It will be interesting to see the new version from SSM. I think will have a bash at the A Class in the correct scheme though.
  15. Excellent info. Bit of a minefield this or any railway stuff....!!!
  16. Yep have that book, As I mentioned or mad an excuse that the Decision on the number came a wee bit too late, I will change it I think for Accuracy sake anyhow along with the Back. Thanks for the feedback!!.
  17. Sorry HF, It is for a IE Driver so cant really flog it , Don't fancy getting thrown in the Tracks just yet!! LOL From me Metro Vick book I see some A Class had a straight line instead of the kinked one which was the one I was going with, The actual decision on the number came a bit late to change so is there a piccy of a Straight line orange A20r out there. I doubt it somehow...
  18. Found out!!!, knew about that kink but its a balls to mask as I have the handrails on, Gotta do it now though!!! Eagles Eyes Action Men!!! Cheers for the input boys..
  19. Ill stick all these in one post to save a bit of time: First up is the Q kits a Class, Got a little packet of buffers this am (Off a Hornby class 31) and test fitted them on, I am quite happy with them. Somethings bugging me though on this Model and that is the white stripe, Its a tad too wide, what do ye think lads? I might reduce the width a wee bit. The bit of Fibre optic is for the running lights so gonna have good fun with that now shortly. The white plastic patch was needed as the drillbit shattered the moulded raised light housing. You would not believe how brittle this it is . need to re drill a re paint that it too. Next up is the MIR 071, Painted black over the areas that needed and and she is a bit more presentable. Need to re fit that etch grill too. Next step is a gloss coat, Decals, Handrails, Lights. The 40fts got their bogies and I fitted some hornby tension lock couplings with a dab of the ol Superglue to test run them. They will be fitted with Kaydees so I am waiting on a sample pack that was picked up from Warley last weekend (Freaked out at the price of It!!!). I need o put a 2mm shim in between the bogie and the frame as the wheels where touching the frames when cornering. Little bit of plastic tube did the trick cut on a square. EDIT: just looked at these and the piccy quality is not great, I used a small setting on me camera so might up it a bit for the next ones.
  20. If there was a like button I would hit it!!! LOL. Spent many a frantic minute doing the homework on the school bus back in the day!! Thanks for the comments as well lads.
  21. Knocked this out during the week. No idea of the type of Bus, Brief was to paint it Schooly like an a biteen of country dirt. Decals from Wizard Whesty. He has Expressway decals one out know as well
  22. There 40ft and there flat, Mir kits from some chaps loft and it looks like he got them before I was born looking at the price!! Soldered together using carrs 70 Deg Solder and an adjustable iron. Lots of tidying up to do and I need to put a spacer between the bogies and the frame due to the fact if you have a curve in your layout there gonna get stuck. Had to cut back the under frame too as the bogies snag that. White metal is great to work with but a tad messy with the filings etc.
  23. The Airfix Skyhawk is a great kit. Is she gonna be Argie or Us ?
  24. They will be in the MM shops in Dublin and Cork. I will let him know of the interest and see what he will do. The small tins are E4.25 I think. Not sure what the 50mls will be. Cheers George
  25. They do the smaller tinlets of the other colours at the moment. tks G.
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