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Everything posted by PorkyP

  1. I had a Hornby 9f that the chassis was disintegrating a bit, i think it's something to do with inclusions of some kind in the metal due to shoddy cheapo casting practices, or so I've heard..? The recommended thing years ago for diy alloy castings was to use old pistons as I recall !
  2. It's likely to attract 'boilers' ....
  3. Probably better just going straight for the ..." you want loveplay.?".. It's a mathematical certainty that you'll get a yes eventually...
  4. Not heard it described as "loveplay" before..!
  5. This type of set up certainly makes it easier to lift the rail wheels out of the way and drive the motor normally..the other type your committed to running it on the track really, nice pic
  6. Good plan, I reckon some lighting inside buildings always bring things to life...
  7. Brilliant to see Fintonagh in motion ! ...The WW1 set was an interesting one too..got me toying with the idea of doing a diorama with a flying column of anti-treaty volunteers ambushing a train..!!!
  8. Or would it have a top or lid to prevent it getting loads of dead birds and leaf debris in the water, and likely clogging up the outlet eventually..??
  9. Broken or otherwise useless drill bits are a source of tool quality steel to make 'specials' out of, now I've got the small lathe I can use up some of the bits I've saved to make various cutters etc! Eoin's holding jig things earlier in the thread look good too, I'll be making myself a couple based on those no doubt..
  10. I always use a blowlamp..
  11. Now, I could understand if it were march 17th....
  12. Quite right, some of the old Airfix kits seem to go for mad money on ebay..
  13. Outstanding.!
  14. Sure, that'll probably cost extra.!
  15. Gardaland is probably just some strip joint,( for some reason folks seem to like strippers dressed as police) Can't say I much relish the idea of it.. thinkin of some of the guards I've seen..
  16. A man after me own heart..! I'll dig out me balaclava and camo gear..
  17. An eminent scientist demonstrates the principle...
  18. Totally take your point lads, I was more thinking of it from my own point of view!..it's exactly the loco I'd want but unless I do a few cash machine ram raids it's way beyond me !
  19. That loco sounds fantastic, the only snag is the 2 grand...
  20. Sounds like a gay bar in Dublin or something..... I was always thankful I was never named 'Denis' ...there was a poor lad at school called Richard , who we always very loudly referred to as 'Dick'...
  21. Sure, if you ask the Irish you'll always get a good practical solution..
  22. That's a very interesting link, some of the measures look very similar to what I've seen, the location i mentioned was in the dark blue high risk map area too..I imagine we're looking at huge costs for these kind of operations..
  23. You'd think in some places it'd make sense to let the trees grow up a bit on embankments to sort of tie the ground together a bit...one place I saw a few years ago when doing some site work in England, they'd fixed some kind of steel mesh all along the sides of a steep cutting..
  24. What a lovely collection of fillums and pics, left me with a real melancholy feeling tho....loved the bit with the horse drawn wagon, and the fella chasing cows off the track.!
  25. Ha! Brexit, they'll be lucky ! The cemflo's are particularly nice btw..
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