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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. A42 getting scarce, less than 20 left. I'm amazed that A55 sold out before A42 and A30. The green and the silver are lovely to the eye.
  2. Hi Sean. Sorry to reply so late, but I've been busy lately. I had been going to suggest something like the attached image - forgive the crudeness, but I only had a moment to scribble something down. In the image, I've shown the roads with a kind of orangey-brown highlighter, I've omitted the turntable, and I've left the left hand side of the run around loop off-scene, allowing you run longer trains in and out, and simplifying the pointwork a little. This would mean running two tracks through the hole instead of just one, but I think that you have two tracks just outside that hole, so you lose a bit of functionality by having only one track entering anyway. All only suggestions, so no offence is intended. Also, rather than an embankment on the left hand side, how about archways? You can still run the road along the top, as I get you, the cars need to be shown off, too. But, you don't lose much space on your board, and you get to run a dummy line out through one of the arches if you like, where you have the Evergreen with the hot box in one of your photos. I know now that the hill in the right corner is pivotal, and staying, so maybe a tunnel cut into it?
  3. Jaysus, if you want to bitch and moan, do it in private.
  4. My money is on the next announcement being IRM t-shirts. Green with white font, white with green font, and a limited edition silver one saying "Our models are A1" in a wooden case.
  5. As in they should cancel everything that they have ready to announce this year, or they should make no announcements next year for the following year? Steady on, Mr. Rich Man! Our pockets will be emptied one way or another, don't worry.
  6. Well, I believe that we're due an IRM announcement early this month and another late this month or early next month, so you're not the only itchy one!
  7. A couple of Ian Hayes trucks on eBay at the moment. This one is from a seller that I've bought from several times. Good guy, combines shipping etc: https://www.ebay.es/itm/374014582051
  8. Thanks, Robert. Tough times these past few years, but we will survive one way or another.
  9. Hi All. Firstly, if this post is in breach of the forum rules, I apologise in advance and I'm happy for admin to delete it. Much as it pains me to do so, after I had bought myself duplicates of the IR livery A Class locos for re-numbering, I have to let them go. I run a small animal welfare charity here in Tenerife, called AsoCat. Things became a bit difficult after BrExit, as Brits had less to donate, and, strange as it sounds, many of the Brits living here are / were pro-BrExit, and didn't want to be involved with or help a charity run by somebody who is openly anti-BrExit. Still, we were scraping by until the pandemic hit. Any remaining donations dried up almost immediately, and ten weeks of lockdown in early 2020 made it impossible to do our jobs. We were under curfew for seven odd months after lockdown ended, pretty much until just after Christmas 2020. The lockdown and subsequent curfews meant that we could not be out on the streets at night when we needed to be. The focus of our charity is castrating and re-homing stray and abandoned cats. On top of lockdown, subsequent curfews and a lack of donations, many vets stopped working or went out of business, making it much harder to get appointments, even if there were funds, for urgent cases. Sadly, we also saw a spike in the number of cats (and dogs) dumped as people lost jobs. Aside form the cats, I caught several dogs on the streets and delivered them to the local police during the pandemic, some with collars, some with wounds were microchips had been gouged out etc. So, the combination of all of those factors has seen an increase in the number of stray and abandoned cats on the streets, and I am basically out of money to keep funding the charity. I donate a quarter of my wages each month, but it's not enough. As a result, I am selling four IRM A Class locos, with the following caveats. 1. Price is €360 per loco. 2. Payments are to be made by standing order, directly to the AsoCat bank account in the form of monthly donations of €15 for 24 months, totaling €360 EURO. 3. Shipping is to be paid for by the buyer, and probably works out at €20 per loco, but that's not an exact price, just an estimation. I'm well aware that there are cheaper options out there, but the installment plan may suit some people better than a large one-off payment, and small monthly donations are what we desperately need in order to keep working at what we do. The four locos are brand new, in box, never even opened, and are: 1. IRM-1113 Irish Rail livery A Class no. 048 2. IRM-1114 Irish Rail livery A Class no. 017 3. IRM-1115 Irish Rail livery A Class no. 054 4. IRM-1116 Irish Rail livery A Class no. 036 I am aware that trust may be an issue, and having almost been burned once here on the forum, yes, I am fearful, but am prepared to take the risk in order to bring in funds for the association. AsoCat website: http://www.asocat.tf/ AsoCat Facebook (not updated in a long time as I work during the day and do the charity work at night) : https://www.facebook.com/asocattf/ AsoCat listed in the government registry (you have to search for "AsoCat" in the "nombre" field) : https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/entidadesjuridicas/asociaciones/ Thank you.
  10. Will he have 171 by any chance? Or IRM Cement Bubble Pack A?
  11. https://www.pinterest.es/pin/343469909071808886/
  12. 071 would look better with a CIE roundel instead of that multicoloured N.
  13. Thought I'd eaten too many SuperQuinn sausages for a moment.
  14. That's IWC1005. It was IWC1006-1 and IWC1006-2 that vanished. I thought that they were pictured here, too, but I must have been wrong. As of this morning, both still show up in the search preview, so I assume it's a website / hosting glitch. If so, maybe there really was an image in the OP here, which also vanished due to the glitch, and I'm not hallucinating.
  15. I'm not sure if it's a browser issue my end or what, but the other day there were 8 products listed, and two of them seem to have disappeared since, the two covered vans.
  16. ...although Rails are also offering the "What If" APT-E for sale, with a valid SKU, so unless Rapido have fooled Rails, too...
  17. What sort of censored hole reports something that they have sunscribed to, as SPAM? Delighted that it's sorted either way, thank you!
  18. Not sure if it's of any use, but yesterday, I started receiving email notifications from the forum again. I'd received the odd email over the past few months, but yesterday and today seem to have been receiving the correct amount. Not a SPAM issue, as I've been checking my SPAM folder regularly.
  19. That'll be worth waiting for. Get better soon!
  20. Have they already sold out on pre-order? Can't find them on the website. Will you be launching a decoder for them with maybe Ford Transit sounds?
  21. Although, I have a Bachmann Class 166 repaint in the post as we speak, so a 22000 would be better for me!
  22. Might be an idea to split this thread before it goes too far off the rails... On the topic of advertising, it doesn't bother me at all when using the PC, but drives me insane when using the mobile due to the percentage of screen space taken.
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