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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Wow, you and Noel have something in common! Not me, I was more of a Girls Aloud fan. They were the 22000's of the pop girl bands... Can't wait for a RTR 22000 to go with my 29000's!
  2. Yes, Boskonay is one of them, so be careful what you write or you'll be blacklisted by IRM... Do not sell to this guy! Regarding Cravens, the opening post in this thread reads as follows: So yes, Cravens would seem to be in consideration. The chronological order has not yet been released, but I'd suspect that Mk2D coaches will be the first of thecoach releases, as they were a definite in the OP, and do not require tooling from the ground up like the Mk3's. IRM have raised the bar with their Mk2 B/C range, so Murphy Models will probably be tweaking the future products a little, but that's only heresay, not fact.
  3. Interesting thoughts on the whole Chinese manufacturing topic. At the end of the day, we as purchasers of these models have to accept that to continue receiving models of this standard, for these prices, without accepting a drastic drop in our own living standards, HAVE to take advantage of somebody, be it the Taiwanese, the Chinese, or whoever comes next... And there will be a "next" at some stage. China's economic conditions will eventually improve to the point where they lose that competitive edge, and manufacturing will move somewhere else. Living in Las Canarias, I can tell you that €800 a month for a 40 plus hour week is considered normal to good. Minimum wage is something like €650 per month. Even at €800 a month for 40 odd hours, that's €185 per week, or around €4,50 per hour. There's the downside of somebody having to invest heavily in setting up manufacturing, in training the staff and allowing them gain experience, but this is already happening in Spain. Fifteen years ago, all of the plastic bric a brac crap sold here was made in China. Now, it's all made up in Spain, where wages are even higher than Las Canarias. Then there's the upside of production still being waaaaaay cheaper than it would be in a first world place like Ireland, and everything being a lot closer to home. No more of this "it's on the other side of the world" when there's a problem - it's less than four hours on a flight here nowadays. I suspect that at some stage over the coming years, we're going to see legislation designed to protect European jobs, by making it harder and more expensive to use cheap labour from lower wage economies. It may not be a case of production moving to Afghanistan or India because it's cheaper, it may be Bulgaria or wherever because it's the cheapest place with access to sell those products, whatever they may be, in Europe. The Chinese bubble will definitely burst over the coming years, I'm sure everybody can agree on that.
  4. Let's hope that IRM don't see that or they may decide to run some 121's before their 071's and 141's...
  5. So, today's posters are basically saying that DC Kits are honest face to face but will shaft you if you buy online? Jesus, that's even worse than just being a bad retailer. And all of this crap about a Yorkshire attitude? Just stop now. Nobody wants their arse kissed. I just expect honest, clear, concise communication, not being ignored... And as for being rude, it's acceptable once it's honest. If I ask you to confirm that something on your website genuinely is in stock because I know what your track record is, and you reply with "Check the website" or something similar, that's fine... Once it's honest. Can't believe that todays posters are painting a picture of a trader who will take advantage of anybody that he doesn't meet face to face. Shocking.
  6. DC Kits are an absolute joke. Orders charged but not processed, VAT not refunded, random substitute products sent, absolutely awful communication, or none at all, still waiting for my last refund and have just given up. Plus, Charlie is as rude, ignorant and impolite as can be. Again, I have given up, I don't give a shit about what he owes me, the time that I have lost is worth more than the money. Old Blarney, if you love him, good for you, but don't be blabbering on here ragging anybody who he has treated like crap. Like murphaph, my main regret is not posting sooner to warn other members. I wouldn't normally post public criticism, specially for a one mand band, but this band is so far out if tune that it's not funny. It's obvious that his earnings come from another source, as he doesn't give a damn about his retail customers. Again, for me, I've written off what he owes me, I'm not wasting any more time.
  7. When did 007 get the IR logos and the "S" suffix? https://irishrailwaymodels.com/collections/locomotives/products/007-a-class-locomotive
  8. Just to update the mods, I received an email earlier, just the one, telling me that somebody had "reacted" to a post of mine. I've never received an email like that before. I'm still not receiving email notificationsof private messages or new posts on threads that I follow.
  9. Rivet counting isn't a bad thing, as it will ultimately drive up standards for future models. Eventually, you'll hit diminishing marginal returns, where it's not feasable to invest beyond a certain point to reach a certain level of detail, and that's when the bespoke modellers take over. However, when a poster says the following with nothing to back it up, you have to question the post and ask for more info. I haven't yet seen anything to support the statement that the model doesn't capture the character of the prototype. If we were talking about the Lima 201's, then fine, the bogies and undercarriages are very wierd on them, but the next generation MM201's were not a poor model at all.
  10. It's IRM's fault for bringing out so much magnificent rolling stock. In theory, they OWE us more 071's!
  11. Wow, received some blue Tara's in the post today! Outstanding wagons, they really look excellent. The Ferts and the original G2 Tara's stoodout as excellent wagons, but these take it to a higher level. Well done lads!
  12. A bit late, but Merry Christmas to everybody on the forum, even the assholes.
  13. I'm a bit late, but thank you IRM, and the IRM forum members, for a wonderful year of joy! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. P.S.: 27 degrees due on December 31st, so you know where you should be!
  14. Excellent information, but I would hardly consider any of those niggles as "obvious", and I cannot see how they leave a model which fails to capture the character of the prototype. The MM 201 was and is an awesome model.
  15. If you need somebody to store the layout for you, I'm happy to volunteer!
  16. It'll presumably bring a B&I ferry, KC and KD Dublin Buses, IRM 071's, 141's and Mk4 rakes! Oh, and obviously 47' Flats.
  17. Well, the grey 071 re-sprays finally arrived today! The pandemic has slowed Chris Dyer down, and his painter, Tony, seems to be flat out. Well worth the wait, really impressed with these three!
  18. I'd say there'll be a few happy modellers who missed out on the last batch!
  19. I have set filters up for both irishrailwaymodeller.com and irishrailwaymodels.com, making sure that mails from those domains never get sent to SPAM. However, it's not that the email notifications are going to SPAM, they're just not arriving at all.
  20. I just ship British eBay stuff to a friend in the UK. He brings a suitcase down here every now and then, which I pay for, and that works out way cheaper. eBay's GSP often quotes more for shipping than the item itself costs, so it's just not worth it.
  21. Hi Guys. Just wondering if the site is having issues with email notifications at the moment? I'm not receiving email notifications of private messages or thread updates the past couple of days. I've checked my notification settings here on the forum and they are definitely correct. I've also checked my SPAM folder, and the odd email does end up in there alright, but nothing at all the past few days. Thaks!
  22. Sure why bother with clouds? All you need is a nice winter blue like this morning:
  23. The video won't play properly for me. Audio only, just a white screen for the video. Happens from time to time - somebody mentioned before that Apple or QuickTime uploads are problematic? Upload the video to YouTube and then share the link here and more people will be able to see what the problem with the couplers is.
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