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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Steam? Ah would you stop??? It'll be IRM 141 twin packs long before an auld steamer. Twin packs, one loco motorized, one dummy with lights only, ideal Christmas presents for 2022.
  2. Try reducing your intake or varying your diet a little and you may suffer less froth.
  3. Should the upper wings of the snail point towards his head or his a**e?
  4. He can't be! He forgot to bring my imaginary new coaches.
  5. Wow, that looks excellent!!!
  6. Is the stock level indicator gone from the IRM website for good, or is it just taking a break?
  7. Mk2D's in IR and RPSI liveries, Mk4 IE coaches, old-timey coaches for the old guys, blue Taras, P47 chassis, RoadLiner trucks, green Dublin buses, the B&I ferry, 21mm track and a partridge in a pear tree.
  8. B&I 20ft's??? Have I died and gone to Heaven?
  9. Slightly random question, but is the Accurascale stock like the Class 37 designed for easy 21mm conversion? How about the wagons and coaches? I know that 18,83mm would be the "correct" gauge, but if an Irish modeller had 21mm track, and wanted to run some UK outline stock, they'd have to re-gauge.
  10. CIE Ballast Pack A has dropped below the magical 75 unit threshold... Time to get the finger out and buy them!
  11. I'm a bit late, but would like to wish everybody on the forum a very Merry Christmas. Thank you to MM, IRM, and all of the lovely forums member that I've come across this past year who have helped with advice, knowledge, and sourcing impossible to find gems! 2020 has been a difficult year for most, I would guess - mine has been beset by extra hours in work, cancelled time off, injuries and tiredness. The packages of IRM and MM goodies that arrive every few months just lift that veil a little and make it feel like the end of the tunnel is closer, even if I don't have time to open them for months on end! Here's hoping that things improve as we get closer to summer 2021. Happy New Year to all on the forum!
  12. I'm not sure what he charges on a per-item basis, as he commissions a painter to do the work, but when you factor in his time and effort, plus the painter's time, versus the complete balls I'd make of doing that myself, I'd consider it good value.
  13. Try Chris Dyer. Chris commissions re-sprays.
  14. Since UK stock should run on 18,83mm track, which does it look worse on, 16,5mm or 21mm? I reckon that if 21mm RTR track were to be released, it would probably take several years to catch on. I'm hoping to build two large layouts over the next few years, and would definitely go 21mm if the wheelsets were available, and say medium left points and medium right points. I don't think we could expect a manufacturer to release a full range all in one go. Flexible tracks, a left point and a right point and we could do a lot with that.
  15. Mangey looking 121 around the 01:40 mark!
  16. If you were to launch a range of 21mm track AND compatible wheelsets, nobody could refuse! Pop out the OEM wheelsets and pop in the IRM 21mm ones and you're away on your 21mm track. No fiddling around necessary, but obviously the hardcore guys and girls could fiddle away if they wanted.
  17. Sorry, just trying to summarise a little... Filing down the plastic on the inside of the wagon sides will allow all axles to fit, and the original IRM wheels can be used on bespoke 2mm diameter axles? So the actual distance between the backs of the wheels will be determined by the distance between the rails, minus the thickness of the wheels? 21mm fascinates me, and looks amazing, but the variety of options and the detail of some of the replies above is a little off-putting, hence an effort to condense it all a bit.
  18. Many happy returns, and thank you to you cowboys for all that you have done for us this year!
  19. Will there be an orange and black version?
  20. I guess that we will all have to be slightly patient with these models. It will take a few weeks, until Christmas, New Year and Reyes are out of the way, before retailers have received solid enough data from their customers on what percentage of each loco suffers from what defects. More reliable from PM's point of view to deal directly with retailers and use the data that they have gathered from their customers after the Christmas presents have been opened and run, rather than deal with some retailers and some of the retailers customers. Frustrating from our end, I understand. For example, it sounds like half of them have damaged vacuum hoses, so of the 6348 odd that were produced, PM probably needs to order 3500 spare vacuum hoses from the factory. There's no way that he could have foreseen that, so won't have that many spares in stock straight away. Likewise with the faulty speakers that some members have reported. But, it may then take a few months for PM to actually receive what he orders from China, and hopefully, the spares arrive undamaged and free from defects. IE, that the replacement vacuum hoses actually fit the hole in the buffer beam where the broken ones have been removed. Regarding the cool LEDs where there should be warm, would a possible fix be PM sending out sticky lenses that customers stick over the cool light to change it to warm? If so, he could send a bag of say twenty lenses for each loco, and people can have several attempts at fitting them. A small recess in the centre of the lens would allow it sit correctly, or the sticky lens being the size and shape of the entire light housing, so alignment shouldn't be an issue. I'm just not sure if it is actually possible to change the shade with a coloured lens, to match the other warm LED. 129 has to be a general product recall, a la the ST Mk2D's. There's no way to rectify the two red lights without offering to do it for people. More efficient to recall them all, and have somebody in Dublin re-wire white LED's in place of the second reds. I imagine that the majority were sold in Ireland and Britain, so returning them shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. The crazies with big balls like @murphaph would probably love the chance to rip one open and re-wire it, but there's no way I'd be attempting that, and I imagne that many folk would feel the same. At first, I thought that the new packaging looked much better, much safer, but the two IR's that I opened were both sitting back at around 30º, and shoved to one side. The coupling had been torn off one and was rattling around in the box. Easy to plug it back into the NEM socket, but it just shows that the new packaging didn't work. Bad form from the factory overall, and I really don't understand why they didn't do as somebody suggested to me, and put foam between the hand-rails and the body like the 141's and 071's. I imagine that PM is ripping out whatever hair he has left, but there won't be any quick fix. Look at how long it took for the locos to become available, and imagine how much stress PM was under while working his ass of at the project. I'll be test-running mine at Christmas, but not before, and I'll get back to my retailers with lists of any defects, if there are any. I'm sorry for anybody who has problems with theirs so far, but the solutions will be found through communication, perseverance and patience.
  21. Anybody else on the forum have a 129 with the wrong red / white lights? I wonder if the flickering is a QC issue from the factory, or results from some of the drop-kicking that DHL have been doing with the deliveries. Stupid question, sorry, but what are "vacuum bags"? Is that another name for the vacuum pipes? The ones that come in the bag with IRM models and you attach them to the buffer beam?
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