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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Cross-posting with @Warbonnet, but it's an amazing enough announcement to warrant being published twice!
  2. Just awesome! These are gonna look so amazing behind the 121's and the A's! I think that it's time to sell my spare kidney...
  3. As per the title, FREE Murphy Models Herpa Mercedes Sprinter Vans from Marks Models! https://www.facebook.com/MRSIExpo/posts/106002337969104?__tn__=-R
  4. Surely you mean Zero 1, the SuperTrain of control systems?
  5. Is that a grey 2016+ 071 in the background??? Modern image??? I'll bet that you have a secret rake of yellow Spoils to run with it when nobody is watching!
  6. What a lovely dispay of motive power! Is that NIR 208 a Lima or Murphy one?
  7. @murphaph is a pro with those cardboard containers... I have a few of these cardboard ones in the post, but may forward them on to him for assembly because he's so good...
  8. Now that's an exellent photo, and again, more valuable information, thank you! Not long now and modellers will be able to recreate that train!
  9. Wow, that is impressive! As an aside, were the Mk2D's ever hauled by locos still in black, or only by SuperTrain locos and later? I'm sure that @Irishswissernie @jhb171achill will have photographic evidence if so!
  10. Were the Murphy Models InterCity Mk2D's the same internally / cosmetically as their SuperTrain counterparts? As in, would MM5236 (IE Standard Orange Roof), MM5210 (IE Standard Black Roof), MM5217 (IE Standard Black Roof), MM5219 (IE Standard Orange Roof(, MM5201 (ST Standard), MM5215 (ST Standard) and MM5223 (ST Standard) all be the same apart from the livery? MM5202 (ST Standard), MM5214 (ST Standard) and MM5224 (ST Standard) were repaints of the earlier ST coaches, I believe.
  11. How are the 121's being transported? Not by road, I hope? Photo taken in Lithuania this morning...
  12. I think that I will have to have one of those when they hit the shelves. Just gorgeous in every way.
  13. Just exceptional. The more photos, the better!
  14. I had the same question when I first bought mine!
  15. But you'd need one Hell of a track cleaner for afterwards.
  16. Actually, I think that there were six per pack...
  17. The Deltic sound file is delicious: Are the preserved versions only being sold by DPS etc, or also by Accurascale?
  18. You guys have it rough up there with Level 5 restrictions kicking in. Looks like there won't be any physical shows for quite a while. Stay safe!
  19. That's what I was thinking of. Nom-a-licious.
  20. Here's a link to the MRSI Virtual Show happening this weekend: https://www.facebook.com/MRSIExpo/
  21. I like the idea of a modular system, but you'd probably want a modelling community in your area to make it feasable.
  22. I assume that the scored lines are your guide for the point where the track enters and leaves, to ensure compatibility with your friend's modules?
  23. IRM have two couplings listed under their acccessories, Instanter Couplings and Screw Link Couplings. Which type of coupling is for which loco, coach or wagon? Has anybody here fitted these, for aesthetic or actual use?
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