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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. A few pictures of some of the road vehicles in my collection. The City Imp is probably one of my favourites, with the DAF not far behind.
  2. Two nice packs, but crazy prices: https://www.ebay.es/itm/LIMA-MURPHY-MODELS-L149439-1-IRISH-RAIL-COACH-PACK-2-XMK3-1X-MSD-RARE-ITEM/193698971710?hash=item2d195bc03e:g:HmAAAOSwPeJffDSP https://www.ebay.es/itm/LIMA-MURPHY-MODELS-L149439-1-IRISH-RAIL-COACH-PACK-2-XMK3-1X-MSD-RARE-ITEM/193698971710?hash=item2d195bc03e:g:HmAAAOSwPeJffDSP
  3. The FREMO concept is complete modularity, yeah? So if you and a friend both have layouts built on FREMO boards, you could combine your modules to make a larger layout?
  4. So P20 is more likely than P47. Ah FUD that, I wanted IRM 47ft flats!
  5. So rather than an IRM project, the 40ft beet containers may be something more suited to @Arran
  6. Thank you. I'm not a hardcore modeller like some of the miracle workers on the forum, I just like trains, static and dynamic! Although, I am going to try put together a slightly larger simpleton layout for Christmas:
  7. I don't really have a layout, just a board that slides under the bed for running sessions, so I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this video:
  8. Yes, this would be wonderful! Lovely 1994 footage of a Bell Liner train with a CIE 20' box at the end, starting around 21:40:
  9. Wow, those Symoba 362 NEM pockets look perfect, and their drawbars are awesome!
  10. Do the Bachmann Y25 bogies come with NEM pockets or do these need to be glued on? If they need to be glued on, where did you source the NEM pockets?
  11. Thanks, @Mayner, very informative as always. So, from a manufacturers point of view, there'd be a lot less mileage from a P47 than there was from P42, or would be from a P20? It's a shame that they have had such limited useage through their life as they do cover quite a long period. An awful lot of the containers on the liners today, according to YouTube videos, appear to be 45ft, so some 47ft wagons are essential for 2020 modellers. I'll have a read of Nile's thread on RMWeb, thank you!
  12. A little pre-historic but still acceptable...
  13. Stunning photos and lighting! Aside from the quality of the layout itself, the realism in your photos is sublime.
  14. If there were to be a Project 47 some day, what use could be made of the chassis? When did the 47ft wagons first start service, and how many wagons are there? Has the chassis been modified or plated over or is it the same today as when it entered service? Are they used for anything other than container liners and the Sperry survey container? Do they run on the same Sambre et Meuse Y33 Bogies as the 42ft flats? Have all of the 42ft flats been withdrawn from container liner service by now for use on spoil wagons and the weedspray / Sperry train?
  15. That's an excellent video, and those Mk3's are lovely!
  16. £82 plus shipping! €100 for three containers.. IRM need to get some B&I and Bell 40ft container packs released ASAP... They'll make a killing for Christmas!
  17. Now that's a nice line-up for a manufacturer, even if they are a bit pre-historic. Five liveries from one single tooling!
  18. So after the IRM RoadLiner trucks, or RoadLiner trailers at least, these will hit the shelves!
  19. Thank you for the openness and honesty in that post!
  20. Hopefully, the announcement is that IRM, in order to combat bankruptcy and homelessness in their client base, won't have any A's other than A39R until after Christmas!
  21. Great excuse, DC, but noooo........ Looks a very similar model to that City Imp liveried one earlier!
  22. €37 plus shipping for three IRM / C-Rail B&I 40ft Containers: https://www.ebay.es/itm/B-I-Line-40ft-shipping-container-by-C-Rail-for-Irish-Railway-Models-OO-gauge/184462558147?hash=item2af2d343c3:g:7qAAAOSw64JfbhmO
  23. That's great, thanks! I would like an IR / IE 121 for my Mk3 PP set which will run on a DC shuttle controller, so a little sound will be nice. Lovely weathering job, Noel! I wonder if you could be bribed to fly south for a few weeks.....
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