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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. First world problems indeed, but without dreams, what's the point? I assume that your layout is DCC, rather than DC. On DC, the 141/181's are the smoothest, most responsive locos that I have ever seen, hence the desire to see that performance in the next batch of 071's.
  2. So the dream of an 071 re-run with 141/181 quality running and post-2015 variants available becomes a living nightmare, knowing that it'll never happen?
  3. So the spray train as we know it is already gone?
  4. Are IE in the process of replacing the weedkiller train with an MPV? If not, what do they use the MPV for?
  5. Are you my Dad, by any chance? That's OK, I must be a newborn.
  6. Are you two hundred years old, by any chance?
  7. Rail has a far higher profile... Is that a pun? As an under-sixty, at least on paper, I'd agree that the IR to IE changeover seems to be the era that interests many enthusiasts of my age. My thinking at the moment is that the nostalgia isn't fixed to a particular era, though. What seems new and uninteresting today will not necessarily seem so twenty or thirty years from now, hence my desire to be able to run a 2020 layout. In twenty or thirty years time, Noel may be complaining about hydrogen powered flying DART's, and reminiscing on how lovely it was to have ICR's to marshall in a yard instead of floating around in the boring old sky. Interesting to read what Iarnrod and Railer say about the 071's and the 111's - that even those models don't accurately reflect the operations of today due to changes that have occured. Even if the grey 071's and the NIR 111's WEREN'T sold out and unavailable, it would be hard accurately model 2020.
  8. Sorry, silly question, but why 504 instead of a round number like 500? For packaging reasons or something?
  9. Glad you're OK, DC. Hit by a train, I assume?
  10. MM no. 071 was released in both CIE and engineers silver and black livery?
  11. Damn it, then those two are pretty high on the desirability list!
  12. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I was asking if they were the only two 071 models in the IR livery, following on from the theme of the most desirable MM locos.
  13. Thank you, I have been confusing the models and real life. That makes complete sense what you say about the Mk2D colour.
  14. Fert and keg accessory packs already sold out! Is that it, like no more runs of them?
  15. Were 073 and 080 the only IR liveried 071's? Does the 073 model reflect her original IR configuration or her current one?
  16. So, the 071's were delivered in the wrong livery, more or less. When repainted, were they in a different shade to the SuperTrain coaches? To my eye, the "wrong" livery looks closer to the ST coaches than the ST livery?
  17. Are MM's 112 and 8113 models reflective of how the real locos looks today? Has 112 been abandoned and left to rust away?
  18. How about having 234 painted in the "tippex" IE livery? Now that would be simply stunning! P.S.: Happy 75th anniversary, CIE.
  19. Wow, so the ICR's would be ubiquitous enough for anybody modelling current day operations, no matter where on the island!
  20. Yes, very true, Chris offers some wonderful repaints - I picked up a silver and black 231 from him through a misunderstanding, and am richer for it! Do the ICR's run over the whole network, except for the Enterprise route?
  21. I was lucky enough to pick up two IC 201's and a 231 repaint, but even those were scarce enough. At least I can run some Spoil and Tara Mines trains! ICR's are definitely overdue to fill the passenger void!
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