Just finished a SSM 30 ton brake van.I gave her a test run behind 190 and all is well.Some minor work to do as the roof is sticking up in one place.
On mentioning that the 121s stand taller than the 141s,I remember somewhere being mentioned that the 071 class stand slightly taller than the 141/181 class as well.
Some work done today with repairs to the road surface on the LC itself and reballasting of new track that replaced a bad dip that caused derailments.
Some repair work on 084,which I renumbered from 075.A broken lamp iron was replaced,and some of the handrails supports were glued back into place.I think she is looking well now.
The weathering was done by George Norman.
Yer dead right ,plastic railcars
Sure one derailed at Portlaoise depot and had to be sent to Scotland for repairs.Its no wonder they did not all blow away in the recent storms.
Dr,I have been told by a person in the know that 082 has a different Turbo charger than the rest of the 071 fleet,hence why she sounds so good.
I am subject to correction on that answer.
I was down at the Wexford Model Railway club this evening and had a good look at a fellow members 2 Ferts that he got.I was very impressed by them as were everyone who viewed them.Well done to IRM.In one of the photos I posted,a MIR Fert is shown with the IRM pair.