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Everything posted by ShaneC

  1. View Advert Murphy Models - Class 201 - NIR Livery (MM0209) Selling this MM0209 River Foyle (NIR livery) variant of the popular Murphy Models Class 201 loco. Bought from eBay a while back in brand new, un-used condition, I've only had it out of the box for a few seconds to check all is there but I've never used/ran it. Original packaging, extras & instructions included. Prefer to sell in-person (I'm based in the the Docklands / Dublin 1) but I'll send domestically via registered post for €10 extra if required. Will accept Cash, PayPal F&F or Revolut transfer. Advertiser ShaneC Date 27/06/21 Price €150 Category OO / 4mm Scale  
  2. Selling a Murphy Models' Class 201 (MM0209), Couldn't get it to post in the ads section here: https://www.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/murphy-models-class-201-nir-livery-mm0209-oo-scale/23939468
  3. Tried a few combinations of settings in-case it was something of my doing but keep getting this error ^^ Any help appreciated
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  4. Today in cool but somewhat creepy tech - there's actually a machine-learning algo / application that can generate a full 3D model of any person from only a single picture (no scanning required!): https://github.com/facebookresearch/pifuhd
  5. Their revenue for the Hibernian was down nearly 30% in 2019 vs. 2018 even before Covid their filings show, seems like they were running out of Americans willing to fork over €1-2K a night. An interesting concept but I think Ireland is simply too small for 3-6 day trips to work - these sorts of things are best if the train is on the move constantly, only stopping for excursions.
  6. ShaneC


  7. That looks a great little thing - do you know was it self-propelled like the current iteration or was it loco-pushed?
  8. ShaneC

    Forum Use

    A good amount of them is probably web crawlers that emulate real users - the automated checking of new/updated pages by various search engines etc. in order to generate search results . Since a forum has so much content / pages you can often get multiple services each crawling multiple pages at once. Then there's the real people who just find a single post in search results that solves whatever they were searching for and then leave straight away.
  9. Enterprise catering in first is still real good - though not included in the fare as with many UK services. All that's included is the tea/coffee. One of my last travels before the pandemic hit - better burger than you'd get in many burger places: Seems the difference between it and Citygold is they use a different catering company, IR taking the cheaper tender offer vs. the better food quality / service.
  10. Hey, sorry to bump such an old thread. Wondering if you came across any concrete information on the colour scheme of Hibernia in your research @murrayec as personally I've found different sources to be conflicting.. There's at least 3 contenders: Contemporary illustrations & Fry's model use a dark green body & red running plates but I've found no sources for any locomotives of this time in Ireland having the red plates, seems like the other D&KR locos had green plates. A newspaper snippet that's not dated but supposedly from the 1850s, saying the body was unpainted and the running plate, a muted green. A crude drawing from the 1890s showing the locomotive as being painted olive green all over. I've not been able to get at some resources due to the lockdown though so grateful if you have any insight to give me!
  11. For anyone else who may be looking for this in future, I've finally come across a plan of the original station ( as published in The Engineer, 18/08/1893 )
  12. Rapido have a whole bunch of videos posted of their factories over the years - well worth a watch to see what goes into these models:
  13. Don't want to get into this again but just saying - not all models are produced in China or the Far-East and the final product ends up costing about the same, maybe it's the margins that take the hit. On another note though - the Chinese region/city most model train factories are located in has some of the highest safety regulations and wages in the country, so it's not like they're being produced in sweatshops. Rapido said in 2018 (when they moved their factory elsewhere for these exact reasons..) that the wages they were paying to the workers there were close to on-par what they'd have to pay to workers in the US, though Chinese workers on average work more hours and have crazy levels of productivity / efficiency.
  14. Thanks, sorry should have read up
  15. Are you 3D printing these?
  16. Seems a lot of the really good results is people using the colourising algos to get a rough idea of the colours of the different componnets of the image and then essentially manually painting/editing those in with the same colours in a way that looks more realistic. So most of the real good ones have some amount of creative liberty going on.
  17. I've found doing a few things increases the chance of a good colourisation: Split the image out in multiple parts (ie. mask out everything but the train & everything except the train), colourise both images then merge them back together - this is really time consuming but often produces much better results as different lighting in a scene (a matte background vs. a reflective train) confuses the algos. There's two popular trained models that nearly all sites and software use for this conversion, one was trained on 11.5k 512x512px images and the other on 55k 1024x1024px images. Models always do marginally better on images the exact size they were trained on, so if you can crop or upscale to those sizes, you'll get better results. 80% of the images come out way under saturated so drag them into Photoshop or Photopea (free online PS alternative) and crank the saturation way up. Spent a good while looking through your page yesterday @Westcorkrailway thanks for all your efforts! Some great results there
  18. So I sampled a bunch of the clearest images I could find there in Photoshop and no RAL matches but Pantone 375 C looks like a perfect match if ordering a custom mixed paint is an option for you @RobertRoche
  19. Was going to ask this myself That green looks really close, thanks for the info, going to have to try and re-create it.
  20. And through the magic of AI; You can get from this, a rough idea of what it would have looked like in colour:
  21. Wow thanks for all the info! The drawing of the front facade has been particularly helpful.
  22. Probably a long-shot here but if anyone has any images, drawings, references etc. of the original Westland Row station building I'd be grateful to see them! Trying to model it now.. Probably never going to be exact but I'd like to make it as close as possible to how it was in the 1830s. Will share the CAD files here when I've finished it. Alternatively, is there any in the IRRS archives? Can more justify subscribing if I know there's relevent images there.
  23. Going way off topic here but I wonder could <€100 be achieved with a high-volume N-scale model with zero seperately fitted detail - all moulded, moudled chasis, 3-pole motor etc. The way I see it, home ownership continues to drop, more people are renting apartments and rents in much of the country make owning an extra bedroom a rare feat. With N-scale a decent layout can fit on a standard 160x80cm desk, I firmly believe we'll see more under 30s getting into the hobby trend away from OO (or 21mm) in favour of N.
  24. I wonder if there'll ever be any mass-produced (and not sold out on day 1) & cheap, Irish starter sets, the likes of the €85-100 Hornby ones that come with a basic oval of track and a controller plus a not super detailed piece of Irish rolling stock. Probably have to be a real economy-of-scale big order for that sort of thing to even break even.
  25. Thinking of trying something like this as a motor: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000408554947.html Still a question of whether it will fit somewhere it can be hidden (like in the W/C) but if it can be achieved in HO scale then doing the same in OO sounds plausible. On coach-stock anyway, probably no where to hide the mechanism on EMU/DMUs hence that dodgy digital attempt from Marklin
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