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Everything posted by Mol_PMB

  1. Now that could be their first complete trainset! C class loco, brake standard coach, H van, corrugated open and brake van. Circle of track and a siding.
  2. Very interesting to see the driving trailer in use. I had imagined that it was intended for a short 2-car power+trailer set, but the photo shows it as part of a 4-car set with the pair of railcars at one end, rather than sandwiching the trailers. Presumably this required less shunting when the normal 2-car set needed extending to 4 at busy times. It's also a reminder that the 1950s CIE modernisation wasn't limited to the main lines, and even the W&T received a modern fleet. I hope all goes well with your other commitments and I look forward to the future batches of photos.
  3. I do like the concept of a 'a-tiny-bit-shite' car! I've never had a car, but I live in the suburbs of a big city and I can get by without. It does place limitations on what I can do, but saves a huge amount of money which can be spent on toy trains instead. Though I don't have as much orange as DJD does, and mine are mostly stacked away in the 'cupboard of shame' rather than displayed. I tend to just display the stuff I've made myself. But I have to say that DJD's wall of display cases is mighty impressive! Maybe you need to get yourself written into DJD's will before the sausages get consumed?
  4. Lovely - especially in two scales. Also very interesting to see the original plans. But where's the model privy?
  5. I'm feeling old now. I remember when the 'new' station signs were the IR set of points logo!
  6. https://www.kennellyarchive.com/m?search=Tralee+1966+pigeon+
  7. Strange, the link worked for me. I blame cookies! I’ll try to post a more specific link.
  8. And They're Off! Tralee-Dublin pigeon race, 1966: https://www.kennellyarchive.com/-/archive/years/1966/page/167#media_70915795-034f-485f-9890-08ff73166d6c
  9. I think I was lucky to snag the last pack of Bulleid flats a few weeks ago, they turned up out of nowhere. Full price though, as were the corrugated wagons I bought with them. The odd thing about the current sale is that there's no GB shipping allowed, so actually I cannot buy anything from IRM at present, either via IRM or Accurascale websites. Models are selling out but I can't buy them, even at full price! I suppose it will save my bank account but I hope this won't be a long-term restriction. If only people in Ireland are allowed to model Irish Railways then the market will shrink...
  10. I have had some custom etched signs done for my 7mm layout. Not sure I'd have deliberately fake ones done though!
  11. Firms like Rails of Sheffield, Ellis Clark etc are also likely to take a significant cut - it could be up to 50%. I've had this dilemma myself - I can't be bothered to spend the time listing and posting it all myself, but the consequence is that effectively I have to pay someone else to do that for me, and they don't work for free. Whether you sell to a dealer or via an auction house, they all take their cut, and that's fair enough. If you want to achieve the maximum price then list it yourself on eBay or similar, but you'll have to do a lot of the legwork yourself.
  12. Given that it would be a long way away, that plate could be smaller, and hence cheaper to make?
  13. Here's the next section of the instructions, as far as I've got in reality! Making an E401 - the bonnet top and exhaust cowl.pdf Busy day at work tomorrow, but I'll try and finish the last two steps of bonnet plumbing after work, and then I'll have some model photos to illustrate those stages too. The next build stage after that is the cab. When I received the etches today, I actually got an etch and a half. It looks like there had been some sort of production problem with the first one and so they had re-run the job. They sent me the duff bit anyway, nicely gift-wrapped! The full etch I received was perfect, but I also have a free spare bonnet etch. So I do have the option to repeat everything I've done so far but with some of the other design options, such as the later grilles and no exhaust cowl. I get the impression a few people might be tempted to build one of these for themselves. Possibly one or two others might like me to build one for them. And there have been noises (OK, whispers) about a 7mm scale option. Early days yet, let me get a complete prototype first. I'm sure we can work something out. I have a full time day job so there are limits to what can be offered. Cheers, Mol
  14. Attached are the instructions for the bonnet sides and ends. This should give you an idea of what's involved in building it. My next task is the instructions for the bonnet top. Making an E401 - the bonnet sides and ends.pdf
  15. Thanks! This is the first complete loco kit I've designed, though I've done quite a few wagons and some loco conversion bits. I've built some good etched kits, and some very bad ones, so in designing this I've tried to copy all the good ideas and avoid the bad ones. We'll see how that works out in due course... When complete, this one will be painted silver as E410. I may well do a black one as well.
  16. Another 3 hours work and I have completed the second subassembly, and fixed it to the first. Bonnet top and exhaust cowl. They were soldered together after this photo: One of several trial fits onto the bonnet: Radiator fan grille added, bonnet top soldered onto bonnet sides and front: A bit more cleaning up done round the edges: I'll take a fresh look tomorrow and see if any more bits need scraping or filling. Then there are few fiddly details to add, like the water filler and breather pipes, and the bonnet unit will be complete.
  17. The postie turned up at 0945 this morning and I got stuck in straight away. Not too many challenges so far; 3 hours work has completed the first subassembly - the bonnet sides and ends. Outside, with the doors, handrails and headlights added: Inside: not so pretty, but it's designed for most of the soldering to be done from the inside: Folded up and tacked, the RHS: And the LHS: Step-by-step instructions to follow, but I'm going to have lunch and do the bonnet top first.
  18. Many thanks John. There had been long delays on BullAnt products but it looks like they are available again now. Something like this but with a custom wheelbase and wheel diameter, and could be done to different gauges: There would be no difficulty fitting this into the E body, it would just need an adaptor plate to connect to the fixing points at the ends of the body. Once I've built the body I'll gauge interest for different options. I've had a notification that the etch should be arriving this morning, I've got a day off and the soldering iron at the ready.
  19. The E401 body etch is in production and will hopefully arrive in the next few days. I've started writing some assembly instructions, which will no doubt be edited as I actually build it! Meanwhile I have ordered and received some bits from High Level gears which will allow me to measure and build the gearbox and thereby finalise the chassis design. At present I'm working on the design for the 21mm gauge version with hornblocks and CSB suspension: Depending on the levels of interest from other people, I am considering two different approaches for 16.5mm gauge - either some adaptor brackets for the Fleischmann V60 chassis, or an etched chassis similar to the one above but with much simpler suspension (or none). The Fleischmann V60 has a wheelbase very close to what is needed, is a robust chassis that runs well, and is typically available for about £50 secondhand, so it may well be the best bet for 16.5mm gauge. If anyone using OO gauge is interested in building one of these etched E401s, then I should probably buy a V60 and design some parts to make the chassis fit. I'll get the body built first before making any more decisions! In the meantime I picked up this image on ebay (link is to the item listing) which shows E403 in black and tan in the early 1960s. This loco has the radiator grille plated over completely! The tin van is interesting too - it has a horizontal beading strip just below waist level. I don't recall seeing that on any others, but maybe there were a few vans had them? I missed out on John's etched tin vans.
  20. Anyway, I still don't think Accurascale have got the pannier's dome shape quite right. Or the wheel arrangement...
  21. Exactly - that was the photo I checked it against before posting my response. Irish Metrovick Diesels page 32 as well.
  22. Limerick, and the train is heading for Foynes or the North Kerry. St John's cathedral is the spire in the background. Limerick station out of shot to the left round the curve.
  23. The Irish steam loco(s) are further back down the list than third. There's the P class, GER J67/8/9, and the Austerity on the way too. I understand the next IRM announcement is expected to be a big one, but whether that means an 800 or something in O gauge is anyone's guess...
  24. Those coaches do look very nice! The tiny percentage of shrinkage isn't noticeable, but the unavailability of the 60' coach kits used as a donor is now a problem. I agree that a 3D printed core would be a good approach, and would allow the distinctive profiles and widths of the Irish coaches to be better represented, as well as making them scale length. You would need several variants of the 3D printed core to cover all the types but I don't imagine that to be a major problem. Quite a large print though - can your suppliers to than and would it stay straight?
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