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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Good news that there will be MK11 Composite and Super Standard coaches albeit in the Supertrain livery. Hopefully 2015 will see them released in the IE liveries. I was really looking forward to 230 in the original Enterprise livery. Hopefully 209 in NIR blue will be released sometime in the future to complete the liveries carried by all the prototypes. Rich,
  2. Top photos Wanderer, you always produce the goods, as do the other lad's who take the time to post their photos. It's history as it is happening. Rich,
  3. The MM babies are for me in the top 5 of 1/76 (Irish or UK) models released in the last 10 years. The babies and the 121's were my favorite prototypes and to have 2 of the 3 classes in model form built too an exceptionally high standard is fantastic. As the OP has said they are fantastic runners. Rich,
  4. Good man Eamonn, looks the business. Rich,
  5. Nice one Fran, Nigel is a fine modeller and a great all rounder. The build of his Dudley Heath n gauge layout is well worth following on his website. Thanks for the heads up. Rich,
  6. Top work on the water tower Bren. The layout is really taking shape now. It's a layout for running trains which will really capture the prototype perfectly. I have to say that I love the 37's in DRS blue. Rich,
  7. They are smashing kits George, lovely work. The RMC JGA's from the society are a fantastic kit also. Rich,
  8. That's the way to go Des. I do understand that some folk are prepared to use rtr UK OO or European HO and if that is their choice then fair play to them. I can't help thinking though that the vast majority would prefer a prototypical model than a kit bashed, converted, non Irish rtr model. We have all seen the shots of the 42' flats, Ammonia wagon, and barrier wagon tank and cradles which we have all drooled over. If Des is to produce the 62'9" why not go with the prototypical model. Rich,
  9. The buffers on the SF locos are completely wrong and with the cab shape they look nothing like the prototype. Silver Fox do produce some very passable BR models so they can do better. Rich,
  10. Have ya been hit by a rucksack yet Richie. Rich,
  11. They look very nice Des, especially at the back of the buffer head. The castings will look sweet. Rich,
  12. Top marks Eoin, all the hard work is showing fruition, again well done. Rich,
  13. Looking good George. It does as you say look a very well thought out kit. Rich,
  14. Superb pics Seamus it looks like you picked the right day, very much appreciated. Rich,
  15. Excellent information, I'd always wondered why there were no axle box covers on ours. Thanks for clearing that up. Rich,
  16. Richie stunning work as usual. The imagination and skill to turn an idea into a model is fantastic. It's a credit to you. Rich,
  17. Soldering whitemetal to brass can be a trial in itself and it makes the work you have done really deserving of the plaudits. Top work George. Rich,
  18. Excellent George. Did you solder the whitemetal parts to the brass. Rich,
  19. They are fantastic Ivan. Even though a GAD can be useful the finished rolling stock isn't always the same. These are the real deal. Rich,
  20. The brass bogie sub frames look very interesting Des and will give an appearance of nothing behind the 3 holes in the bogies. The MIR ones always looked wrong with the sides attached to the main frame through the central bogie side hole. Rich,
  21. Spot on Des regarding the bogie type. IE's seem to have had axle box covers removed on our Y33's. I wonder was this done by CIE or were they produced that way by Sambre Et Meuse. You made the right choice in producing your own bogies Des as the Bachmann ones just don't look right even if they are a handy alternative. Rich,
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