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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. No, driving characteristics such as Real Drive are controlled by the actual sound file that is loaded on to the decoder. The CV's have no control over this. personally I'm not too fond of the Zimo decoders. The braking and coasting features are very good but the way the engine sounds react to throttle changes leaves a lot to be desired IMHO. However, ESU recently realeased a new set of soundfiles that have similar features under the name "Full Throttle". These include a working brake, a "Coast" function which brings the engine sound down to idle while you control the speed independently with the throttle as well as "Drive Hold" which locks the speed of the loco while you adjust the engine sound with the throttle. Sounds complicated but is simple in practice. I've programmed one of my own locos at home with one of these files and it works great. You can achieve very realistic running with it. I was planning to post a video of it when I get the chance. Here's a video from ESU's YouTube channel. It's a bit long winded but you can get the idea.... [video=youtube;3k-MfiBY7eQ]
  2. As far as I know mine have the same gap. Probably necessary for the bogies to clear the underframe on tight radius curves.
  3. Well you could buy one in the hotel bar, but by Jayzus you'd pay for it!
  4. irishthump

    DCC Decoders

    That's a curious one! Exactly what settings do you lose when you power down?
  5. Great tip! Can you post a link to the sellers on Ebay?
  6. Yes, and the website has a large selection of files from various countries which are free to download. No UK outline but there's plenty of US locos which is good if you model Irish! Is there anything there that would work for your DART project?
  7. Divecontroller, DC Kits have an excellent range of soundfiles for British locos. They may be willing to write a bespoke file to your specifications if you just want to change a few horn sounds. Might be worth contacting them....
  8. You can't import a sound file from a decoder. You need to be in possession of the original file.
  9. Lads, they are absolutely stunning. Great job!
  10. Excellent little tutorial there, Dave.
  11. I order online from them a lot. They're a good local(ish) source for US detail parts and spares.
  12. Looks dreadful..... http://http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36774059
  13. 48 if memory serves....
  14. If you're talking about the manufacturers ID then it's 36 if I recall.....
  15. Aargh! I have to wait until next year for the Supertrain livery! Never mind,great news all the same......
  16. Folks, Haven't been doing much as railway related modelling lately but I have been busy with some of my wargaming miniatures. Same cr*p, different scale as my wife likes to point out! Here's a batch of WW2 American and German tanks in 1/100 or 15mm scale. A platoon of 4 Shermans, M4A3's to be exact. A German Panther and Tiger...
  17. If you're ordering from the UK then use Parcel Motel, it will save you a fortune! I tried the Railmatch acrylics myself and did'nt really like them. I generally don't like acrylics much at all for airbruhing as they dry too quickly which makes cleanup a pain. For weathering I use Humbrol Enamels. They are cheap enough and readily available from hobby and toy shops and can be thinned with normal white spirits. For weathering I really only use Matt Black no. 33 and Matt Leather no. 62, the Matt Leather straight out of the tin is very close to a rusty rail colour and mixing it with the black with give you pretty much any shade of trackside muck you could want!
  18. Many happy returns, Boss!
  19. I'm not sure you would have enough room for the Soundbug inside the 141 as space is tight under the shell. Putting an adaptor on the decoder will take up even more space and you more than likely won't have room for the Stay Alive capacitor (if fitted) in either case. Do you have any pics of the decoder with the 8-21 PIN adaptor fitted to it?
  20. Absolutely cracking job! Can't wait to see the finished product....
  21. They look fantastic! Can't wait to see the real thing.....
  22. Bit early for a resurrection, Dive. Easter Sunday is next week!
  23. Surely that should be Claremorris'? But I do feel your pain. You should try reading through some of the emails that I have to endure from the learned people I work with.....
  24. No, Gaugemaster are rebadged MRC not NCE controllers.
  25. I've ordered from both Digitrains and Wickness Models and found them both to be excellent.
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