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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Nothing like a purpose built home for the layout! Construction looks great I built a block shed with my dad's help some years back, but it is dedicated to a workshop for my motorbikes. Maybe time to build another one...
  2. That, and the shot where the exterior is from along the stretch around Bray head - the angle of what is passing by the window doesn't line up with the carriage! Are the carriage interior shots from a Cravens? Maybe one of the RPSI coaches was used.
  3. Apparently this was on the Irish syllabus - long after I left school though! Seriously dark stuff I reckon. Footage of train arriving into Rathdrum (I think), and also arriving into Rathdrum at the end of the short!! Brendan Gleeson is in it "Cáca Milis" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW-tdaO2s9o
  4. I think I remember an article in the IRRS journal in the last couple of years (could be more!) on mining in Avoca - I'll see if I can find it later
  5. Got notification from Book Depository today that they have it in stock now, so order placed!
  6. I just setup an email notification there on Book Depository to let me know when it is available to order
  7. I just ordered one of the last two 'Bond' ones this morning
  8. The prices are really good for the sound-fitted models too - would this be something that IRM could offer for Irish locos in the future?
  9. UK stuff wouldn't be my bag, but it looks like another pure quality product. Loads of livery variations, a really long time in service, as well as slight body differences, makes it a good choice of loco to go for!
  10. 460 was released previously by Murphy's Models back in 2008, as part of the first RPSI liveried set of MK2 coaches http://www.murphymodels.com/files/RPSI_MkII_Review_MR119_008-012%2C014-015.pdf
  11. Durty electric yoke anyway - burn em all I say!
  12. This was news to me! I just got the email announcing these pair of beauties, and have my pre-order in now!
  13. The Crossley's could've done with some of this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY1YndLmbXQ
  14. Could be worse - could be New Zealand! Oz restrictions meant to be gone by March, whereas NZ are holding on till October
  15. Tehran more like
  16. Lest we forget this one!
  17. Found similar for a lot cheaper! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254107829332?hash=item3b2a01c454:g:OjwAAOSwn4ZcVv6F (This is actually Road & Rails ebay page)
  18. 'Tay-ho' the white horse lol
  19. I love the filled in turntable, and the missing flag stones in the hard standing area! Gives it a nice rundown appearance
  20. skinner75

    Customs & VAT

    I'm amazed that is the going rate - I would have expected £1 to be worth less than a Euro at this stage. Exports reportedly down 70% on pre B-word levels
  21. Same here! I always thought that green & black would have made more sense than the tan/orange & black livery that came in after the old green livery on the railway proper
  22. Why oh why would you dump a big lump of sodium or potassium into water?!?!? In a shaft with radioactive waste too no less!
  23. Plenty of glow-juice dumped in the Irish Sea for years & years, making it the most radioactive sea in the world... https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/sellafield-s-nuclear-pollution-of-the-irish-sea-took-decades-to-achieve-1.157519
  24. Oh no, no no no - that modern logo on the front of 071 looks terrible! Totally ruins the 'retro' livery
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