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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Were the recesses for the staff catcher on the sides of the 101 class ever actually used? I've never seen a pic with a staff catcher fitted in that space. It makes the cab side rather ugly compared to the side of a 001/201
  2. Those Markle dvds are gold! Great nights viewing in each one. I have them on both dvd and vhs - proper old school!
  3. Nice bit of 'cut & shut' work that!
  4. The show is what it is. It was never going to be targeting the railway enthusiast. It does have more railway interest than the Michael Portillo show though. What it does share with that show, is that it highlights places of interest in the areas covered, that would pique the interest of the average viewer to go and visit. I thought that the Giants Causeway episode was fine - no Pendelino footage used at any rate!
  5. I have to say, it is one good thing to come out of the lockdowns, as I had never previously attended an IRRS meeting even though I have been a member for over 10 years! Hopefully, they'll continue with them when the in-person meetings resume
  6. If anyone has ordered double, and wants to swap the second for one of these, message me here
  7. Probably use footage of a BR Class 252!
  8. Very nice! Just ordered a couple there now
  9. skinner75


  10. I'd say it'll be September before pubs are fully reopened - at the very earliest! (The ones that do reopen that is)
  11. skinner75

    Enviro 400

    I check this forum almost daily, so I won't miss them. What really, really gets me is someone selling out my favorite bus of all time on a Facebook group For what it's worth, if your 'Internet' business is built on a Facebook group, you are doing something very, very wrong
  12. skinner75

    Enviro 400

    Wonders will never cease! I'll wait and see if Marks Models, or an Irish seller stocks it - I'm not buying off Hattons
  13. skinner75

    Enviro 400

    Is this a secret Facebook thing for ordering them, or will they be available to non-Facebook users also?
  14. Kinda along the lines of the Joe Walsh album "The smoker you drink, the player you get"
  15. It's one I heard years ago - but at least it isn't 'blue'!
  16. Did you hear about the mouse? The faster he ran, the much
  17. I enjoyed it I have to say. I wasn't expecting a half hour IRRS presentation on the line - if you were, then that's on you. I like the mix of history, and current things to see on the greenway. I know that 'greenway' is like a red rag to a bull with some of you, but there you are
  18. It will be available on the RTE Player also, though you may need to use a vpn if it won't play because it detects you are in the UK
  19. https://www.rte.ie/gaeilge/2021/0330/1206964-rediscovering-irelands-railway-routes-iarnrod-enda/ Six part series, first being on the Waterford to Dungarvan line. Looks like something similar to Michael Portillo's show
  20. Exactly! You can stick up whatever price you want, but it doesn't mean that it's going to sell!
  21. You'd want to be really really high on 'member berries to buy one of those hideous yokes I would have to be paid double that amount to even let one of those things into my house to take up space!
  22. Also available from the horses mouth so to speak: http://markle.co.uk/
  23. In the UK, GBRF are taking Class 56 locos, gutting them, and putting in new eco engines, generators etc., to form the Class 69: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdSC-WF-eNI
  24. With the love that Inchicore shows to the 071 fleet, I don't see why they would have to be retired. As long as nothing major fails, the rest of the 'consumable' wear parts can be replaced ad infinitum. Emissions from the engine may be an issue in the not too distant future, but nothing a re-engine program couldn't sort out if the rest of the loco is sound
  25. It also helps cost-wise if you don't have to spend the money on R&D of a product
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