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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. I paid €90 with postage for it
  2. I picked up one of these last year on Adverts.ie - sitting proudly on my mantelpiece now.
  3. Lol! It goes to show that it pays to 'shop around' so to speak!
  4. I can't stand this releasing of news on Facebook - why is there nothing on murphymodels.com about this? From their website 'In the works' section: "As of September 2020 we have no plans for future models now that the Class 121 is on sale" Facebook is rot
  5. Could he not have ordered from Amazon.de? €60 there with free shipping, versus £50 from the UK site https://www.amazon.de/fire-tv-stick-4k-ultra-hd-mit-alexa-sprachfernbedienung/dp/B07PW9VBK5/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=C0EAU5FV8T2W&dchild=1&keywords=amazon+fire+stick+tv+4k&qid=1614606707&sprefix=amazon+%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1
  6. I wonder how that's going to work now post-Brexit?
  7. Wasn't it Brendan Ogle & the ILDA that screwed up rail freight?
  8. Such a shame that it is only marketed/sold on Facebook...
  9. Any time I've been on an RPSI tour in their Cravens, it has been behind an 071 or 201 that is used in active duties, so there is multiple loco options available for the RPSI Cravens. I do get the point of a steam model hauling them though, to represent the steam trips the RPSI do. Personally, I have no interest in steam as steam was before my time, and wouldn't buy a steam loco model. I'll buy diesels till the cows come home though!
  10. The A class I have preordered from the .com site, will these ship from Ireland? I am living in Ireland, so this would be preferable - no duty to worry about, which would be a nice bit on the price of the locos.
  11. Capacitors C7 & C8 definetely look like they are touching, and C5 looks a bit askew too. Pretty shonky looking placement/soldering job on those three components.
  12. Not sure, but I think that Joe may have just missed out the 'not' or 'nt' in the line "This uses a Rheostat to increase/decrease the voltage which is ideal for today motors" Joe Keekan to confirm!
  13. I have pretty much just stopped buying stuff from UK sellers/companies now. If I can't get it from an EU country, then I question myself 'how badly do I need/want it?'
  14. From the mail I got back from SF, you will have to wait for the run in the summer, and there is only one option available, which would be the latest/modern van, which would go with the IRM pack
  15. So if Ebay gives the VAT to the UK Gov, then when the item hits Irish Customs, they'll be looking for the Irish VAT if the item is over €22, and duty on top of that if it is over €150
  16. Mail I received in November regarding a RTR Weed Van from Silver Fox: "We are next planning on making a batch of Weed Vans in our August-October 2021 production schedule. If you wish to have a Weed Van included in this production batch, please email back to confirm and please provide your delivery address for our records. No deposit is required, as payment is only requested on completion of work. Many Thanks Chris - Silver Fox Models"
  17. Great job! I love seeing old machinery / tools / vehicles etc being restored & put back to use. There is a channel on Youtube called My Mechanics, which has a load of great restorations: My Mechanics Also, this guy does an amazing job on a large lathe - some amount of complexity when you get into all the gearing! I used a lathe similar to this when I was in secondary school & really enjoyed it: Lathe restoration: Moriseiki lathe pt1 Moriseiki lathe pt2
  18. I just spotted a Silver Fox Hunslet on ebay at the moment, for those that may be interested: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silver-Fox-Irish-NIR-Hunslet-DL-Locomotive-101-Eagle-DCC-Ready/203067142087?hash=item2f47beafc7:g:7dYAAOSwr0tfDfBy
  19. I may have one of them unbuilt up in the attic. I do have the 121 kit for sure
  20. It'd work so well with B141 / B142
  21. Straight to the comments section for the win!
  22. No biggie - I wouldn't be ordering from them anyway
  23. My dad recently got a Kia E-Niro, and loves it. It's got a range of 450km on eco mode, which he is more than happy with the performance of. He's always worked on his cars in the past, but as he is 73 now, he is all for the simplicity of the electric car - very little to service on them bar consumables. Have you seen the Citroen Ami? In France they can be driven without a license, and are aimed at city usage, and are most likely going to be used as 'rentals' like the city bike schemes.
  24. I've seen the German test system of the pantograph system for charging electric hgv trucks, and it looks interesting alright. Certainly for the longer distances required in Europe. Hydrogen cell tech most definitely will play a part, and the tech will only get better and better as it is further developed. Who knows what battery tech improvement will be made in the coming years. Look at the difference li-pol made in weight saving versus lead-acid batteries, and also the ability to run the battery right down without harming the battery. Future development in battery tech could see size and weight decrease, and capacity increase, where you could have a battery the size of a standard petrol cars battery giving the range of a current EV cars battery pack. Either way, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the decades to come!
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