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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Lovely! It would look even better in one of those 'garage diorama' displays https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/garage-diorama.html
  2. Handy little contraption for opening up the line at the start of the season!
  3. Drift Masters Championship was held in Mondello Park last weekend, an international event: https://youtu.be/ZRMWTzxv5Gs?si=DzwdeebiyyNoniHd I'm not a car guy - I can't even drive a car - and I can see the skill in the drifting. I feel for the lads after losing the business they built up & the car builds they lost in the fire: https://youtu.be/e069XIFk9K4?si=fJqjTzPIJGS8iRrL
  4. When will the rest of the class be taking the PIS?
  5. I haven't received mine yet either. No tracking info listed in My Orders section
  6. Horse Inside https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-21375594
  7. The face of them reminds me of a Fiat van
  8. Mona mona Coolnamona!
  9. I saw the ones the Brazilian church are using on a youtube video, and wondered if this is something that could be tried at Heuston to stop the flying rats getting in to the station building? https://www.odditycentral.com/news/brazilian-church-hypnotizes-pesky-pigeons-with-colored-bullseyes.html https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/cover-story/namma-metro-is-humming-a-new-tune-these-days-kabootar-ja-ja-ja-kabootar-ja-ja-ja/articleshow/70489657.cms
  10. Ham & tomato sandwich for me - the other ones sound proper rank to me!
  11. Lump hammer to the temple, then feed them to pigs
  12. Nope, just cancelled the sub
  13. I work for Ericsson, and do hear a few people calling it 'Ericssons'
  14. Short piece from RTE news on the new trains here: https://www.rte.ie/video/id/10970/
  15. Irish locos in 1:32 scale / 45mm track: https://shop.bowatersmodels.co.uk/collections/coras-iompair-eireann No idea whether this is G scale compatable!
  16. You could try Marks Models - they have an LGB section listed on their website
  17. Thinking of a box I think!
  18. Funny, magazine with postage was £8.50. It was the first month of a yearly subscription - I have cancelled the sub now, as I do not want to be paying €5 extra every month!
  19. Sounds like a Brexit bonus to me! I got charged €5 extra on a magazine coming from the UK yesterday
  20. I'd say commuters who use the line would take a 1 in 100 year flood risk to the current 1 in 1 year flood risk!
  21. You would think raising the embankment, with a few large culverts to allow water to pass from one side to another would sort it out?
  22. My brother picked up a couple of packs of modelling clay in Mr. Price for the kids to make stuff with - it could be pressed into service on a model railway I reckon
  23. ^^Exactly this^^ China don't see IP as a thing from what I have heard before.
  24. Yep, I get the IP thing. Legally going after anyone but the factory selling these unofficial models is a waste of time
  25. Except it is a copy - Paddy still has the full order he placed with the manufacturer. Press charges against the factory owner, not the people buying locos from Ebay - sure how are they to know anyway? Same as going after the drug dealers instead of the users/addicts I get the whole Intellectual Property (IP) thing - the factory are the ones running off extra copies to sell themselves, taking all the profit. This is who should be charged. Example - One of your relations knows you are into modelling Irish railways. As a present, they want to get you a model loco. Seeing them sold out on the Irish shops, they go to Ebay, and lo and behold, there's Irish locos for sale. They purchase one from the Chinese seller - should they be charged with handling stolen property? Should you if you received it from your aunt/uncle whatever? Daft...
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