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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Handy little contraption for opening up the line at the start of the season!
  2. Drift Masters Championship was held in Mondello Park last weekend, an international event: https://youtu.be/ZRMWTzxv5Gs?si=DzwdeebiyyNoniHd I'm not a car guy - I can't even drive a car - and I can see the skill in the drifting. I feel for the lads after losing the business they built up & the car builds they lost in the fire: https://youtu.be/e069XIFk9K4?si=fJqjTzPIJGS8iRrL
  3. When will the rest of the class be taking the PIS?
  4. I haven't received mine yet either. No tracking info listed in My Orders section
  5. Horse Inside https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-21375594
  6. The face of them reminds me of a Fiat van
  7. Mona mona Coolnamona!
  8. I saw the ones the Brazilian church are using on a youtube video, and wondered if this is something that could be tried at Heuston to stop the flying rats getting in to the station building? https://www.odditycentral.com/news/brazilian-church-hypnotizes-pesky-pigeons-with-colored-bullseyes.html https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/cover-story/namma-metro-is-humming-a-new-tune-these-days-kabootar-ja-ja-ja-kabootar-ja-ja-ja/articleshow/70489657.cms
  9. Ham & tomato sandwich for me - the other ones sound proper rank to me!
  10. Lump hammer to the temple, then feed them to pigs
  11. Nope, just cancelled the sub
  12. I work for Ericsson, and do hear a few people calling it 'Ericssons'
  13. Short piece from RTE news on the new trains here: https://www.rte.ie/video/id/10970/
  14. Irish locos in 1:32 scale / 45mm track: https://shop.bowatersmodels.co.uk/collections/coras-iompair-eireann No idea whether this is G scale compatable!
  15. You could try Marks Models - they have an LGB section listed on their website
  16. Thinking of a box I think!
  17. Funny, magazine with postage was £8.50. It was the first month of a yearly subscription - I have cancelled the sub now, as I do not want to be paying €5 extra every month!
  18. Sounds like a Brexit bonus to me! I got charged €5 extra on a magazine coming from the UK yesterday
  19. I'd say commuters who use the line would take a 1 in 100 year flood risk to the current 1 in 1 year flood risk!
  20. You would think raising the embankment, with a few large culverts to allow water to pass from one side to another would sort it out?
  21. My brother picked up a couple of packs of modelling clay in Mr. Price for the kids to make stuff with - it could be pressed into service on a model railway I reckon
  22. ^^Exactly this^^ China don't see IP as a thing from what I have heard before.
  23. Yep, I get the IP thing. Legally going after anyone but the factory selling these unofficial models is a waste of time
  24. Except it is a copy - Paddy still has the full order he placed with the manufacturer. Press charges against the factory owner, not the people buying locos from Ebay - sure how are they to know anyway? Same as going after the drug dealers instead of the users/addicts I get the whole Intellectual Property (IP) thing - the factory are the ones running off extra copies to sell themselves, taking all the profit. This is who should be charged. Example - One of your relations knows you are into modelling Irish railways. As a present, they want to get you a model loco. Seeing them sold out on the Irish shops, they go to Ebay, and lo and behold, there's Irish locos for sale. They purchase one from the Chinese seller - should they be charged with handling stolen property? Should you if you received it from your aunt/uncle whatever? Daft...
  25. Prosecuting someone for 'handling stolen property' is a bit of a dick move on his part IMO
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