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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Weshty

    Old CIE ads

    By god, copywriting has come on a bit. Those ads look like something Michael O 'Leary would sketch up in the back seat of the Merc on the way to the office.
  2. It was a well written article too, with a very positive, affectionate and genuinely interested tone. It didn't have the usual patronising, "nerdy" handle attached to it (I'm thinking how Ryan Tubridy would do it...jayzus....).
  3. Looks fabulous, the paint job, the weathering, the detailing! I thought it was the real thing on a grainy 35mm slide shot for a second! That's how good it was
  4. Graffiti?? Banksy would not approve.
  5. David, mighty job done, the brake dust weathering in particular is very subtle. Top class.
  6. Really nice job John. Reminds me of walking down the track to the Barna tunnel. Very, very irish looking.
  7. Congrats Dave, wonderful stuff from the Wizard of the the 'hill! Looks really well.
  8. I see that Oxford have released a new 50's (?) era bus for those modelling the GNRi period. http://www.oxforddiecast.co.uk/76/76OWB008%20NIRTB%20Bedford%20OWB.html Some great pictures here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OXFORD-BEDFORD-OWB-BUS-NORTHERN-IRELAND-TRANSPORT-1-76-76OWB008-NEW-RELEASE-/231070006461?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item35ccd87cbd#ht_750wt_934
  9. Very nice, I like the ballasting and general "lived in" look. Tasty.
  10. What would you give to go back in time to a large mid 50's station eh? Once you got over the heady aroma of woodbine, B.O. and boiled cabbage.....
  11. A truly great book for northern and pre-CIE eras. But the entire CIE/IR/IE era is covered in six pages, so 'nuff said. I'd go to Hirch and Doyle "Locomotives and Rolling Stock of the Coras Iompair Eireann and Northern Ireland Railways " as a far more comprehensive alternative if it's laminates and the multitude of variants you're after.
  12. John, No truer word spoken. The chassis kit may be 50 years+ old but it really does the job, easy to assemble, a tidy little runner and the bonus of metal wheels and coupling gear. Sorted.
  13. Damn, would love to be there but can't go at this short notice, enjoy yerself George and regards to all the Lee-siders.
  14. Weshty

    New Irish Lines

    A hearty congrats to you and all concerned on this project, much like this site, NIL is a superb resource for those modelling the irish scene. And the full archive just makes it so much easier to check back on previous work. Mighty stuff.
  15. Ah now steady!! My fav. loco, having spent many a Saturday at her in Mallow back in '84.
  16. Congrats guys, a great job done and a great price!
  17. Or go with an SLR with a remote control clicker and a good long monopod....
  18. Be still my beating heart! It would make sense to go up so with a full Dulux / Fleetwood swatch under your oxter and a wide spectrum portable white light to indulge in some detailed colour matching....
  19. "In 1970, Apollo 13 astronauts had to cobble together a home-made carbon dioxide filter using a plastic bag, a manual cover and gaffer tape. A 3D printer might have solved the problem in minutes and helped them reach the Moon" Ahhh no. One of the fuel tanks blew out and they had to use the lunar lander's engine to limp back home. This is the quality of journalistic rigour in the BBC? God help us.
  20. Sound man George!
  21. Weshty

    Belated symphaty

    My deepest sympathies to you and your family Eamon.
  22. Scratchbuilt MK1 Heating van. Loooovely.
  23. Weshty

    Sligo Bus

    Wow. Amazed that it went on until that recently. No doubt those Elfs from safety were involved the practice stopping. But, I stand to be corrected.
  24. Weshty

    Sligo Bus

    I remember it only too well myself. My gran could step out of her shop in Charleville, hail down the bus, give a parcel to the driver and 25 minutes (and one phonecall) later we collected it outside Thompson's Newsagent in Mallow. And this was in the late 70's!
  25. They were lovely kits. At a time when some of the Airfix kits were showing their age with flashing and warping etc. (my B24 was a dog!), the Matchbox mouldings were very crisp and new, and multicoloured. They also did cars and there was even a sprue with chrome detailing for the wheels and bumpers. Though I didn't get the 1/32 Spitfire, I did get the 1/24th Stuka two years later. An animal of a kit!!
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