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Everything posted by richrua

  1. i have one. Dundalk Signal box kit . I picked it up about a year ago at Raheny Show. Was a bit cheaper then . V . nice model. Brickwork is applied as a stick on which covers all corners, window frames nicely. Very happy with mine. I would love the Cultra station. it just looks great.
  2. i am enjoying this one. I think it shows that patience and simplicity ( i mean that in the best way _ as in non-cluttered) really are an art form in model railways. enjoying watching the scene develop.
  3. I see a big write up in Model Rail mag about the Dawson Hall Irish model buildings range. They look great.
  4. Irish Railway Models also appear in this months Railway Modeller !
  5. superb. What fantastic scenes .
  6. Having a go at applying Weshty Studio Scale models details to the A Class. Going to town on this baby. Drilled out the centre headlamp for some directional lighting. Tús Maith leath na hoibre.
  7. love the big sheds too
  8. looking great . nice ballasting work there !
  9. thanks for all the prototypical info guys! Shunting it will be so! I set up my track to follow a slightly boiled down version of Mayners excellent map above. (thanks!!) I will also be building the little odd loading ramp at the track end. By the way Mayner, your coach sides are excellent and will make up the short passenger train that will serve the station ( this is in my fictional world btw when passenger services were kept up on the line)
  10. That is a great photo Patrick thank you very much. Good to see that prototypically both type wagons were coupled together in the same train. Any idea what brake van is on the end there ?
  11. Your ability to detail is excellent. Well done Nelson. Keep up the school work too btw! It is worth it.
  12. Lol , as they say, very good
  13. Was there today for a while. The layouts were really impressive. Plenty of Irish layouts from north and south. The mix of all gauges was superb too. Plenty to enjoy. The o gauge crawfordsburn was mighty indeed. As were the Donegal narrow gauge and the Lucan one and man many others!! I picked up an a/c class detail kit from Weshty and some decals and had a good look at the plough van which I think will be my next stab at a kit. Very nice event. Lots of room to enjoy the exhibits and layouts. Was also really impressed with ECM trains DART. VERY nice ...
  14. thanks for that i ll have a look
  15. just after i took this the central headlight on 190 went out and i cant get it to come on again. I have NCE powercab and it has a hattons chip. Could the led have popped ?
  16. I have been working on the gypsum shed at Kingscourt. Again, I have worked just from photos without measurements etc so it is only an impression of the scene ar kingscourt. here 190 approaches with two wagons for loading. All we need is gypsum and we'd be in business !!!
  17. those look fantastic. might try that
  18. Well a weathered 071 is coming in at 107 sheckles with the discount . Jolly good indeed . Been dying to get 085 for a while. I am a child really 1!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Get a few of them bulls from the Torres wine and your half way there
  20. Actually really laughing me Arse off here. Wife thinks I m mental.
  21. Oh dear .... Just when I had managed to save a few Sheckles . Once again the exchange rate ain't too bad either !!!!!! Good news but don't tell the missus
  22. mine are gonna be gypsums. however, i am interested in the above conversion for unicorn traffic. Were the unicorns destined for Phoenix Park or Waterford for the livestock market in the middle east ?
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