I do not think Hornby will be too bothered about the new Accurascale Deltic. As far as I can see Accurascale have sold out all of the stock so if you still want a Deltic the Hornby one will perhaps be the only one in stock at your supplier. Fair enough the Hornby one is not in the same league as the Accurascale model but you accept that if you buy one. If it is not for you don't buy it. Me, I have a blue Lima Deltic which I am very fond of. Why you ask? Well my father walked from Drimnagh to Leinster Models in Phibsborough and bought it for me. It still has the pipe tobacco smell that comes with everything bought at Leinster models. Still runs beautifully. When I get an Accurascale Deltic both will be run. The Accurascale Deltic will look like it's just have an overhall and a new paint job and is just out on the tracks. They do look well but will probably look even better in my hands, with my glasses on and the light on too.