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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. Those look very well indeed! Exactly the type of architecture I'm looking at.
  2. Possibly no external difference? In the early 1990s, on the RPSI May Tour, when the Society used to hire Cravens from IE, on several occasions we simply removed two or three seating bays the night before in the Valeting Plant, and installed a counter and bar. At end of tour we put them back the way they were. Point being, things like this could be done for any period, however short, and zero external changes. I wonder if these other conversions were similar. I'm 90% certain that no other Craven (apart from 1508/9) ever had external alterations like blocked up windows.
  3. Stencilled, as far as I remember, but couldn't swear to all examples being done that way. The grey on the bubbles initially was the older wagon grey, like you'd get on older brake vans, cattle trucks and wooden open wagons. The "H" vans, Palvans and steel-panelled brake vans were somewhat lighter. If that shunter was still at Inchicore, would they have to re-name it "Ethnic Minority" or "Locomotive of Colour"?
  4. I put in a bid for a little above the $70. If it climbs higher I'm not that interested. I thought if I can get one cheap, fair enough, but it's by no means a priority. We'll see!
  5. There's one on ebay for $70 + $30-odd shipping.
  6. Many thanks, Ernie. I thought it might make a suitably quirky addition to current-layout-in-incubation. While the thing never seems to have strayed much from the DSER suburbans and the Youghal line, it is conceivable that it might have been banished to some remote south-western terminus, as it was briefly based in Cork anyway..... unless detail differences are savage, I thought if I could pick one up cheap and slap a bit of green on it, it would do! If its the wrong scale, that's different......!
  7. If you still have the 146, is it for sale, and which livery is it in?
  8. I seek the advice and knowledge of our esteemed colleagues here on this one. Is anyone aware of a model of some sort of German contraption which resembles the above loco? I'm sure I've seen pictures of one somewhere.
  9. Yes. In original grey (normal wagon grey, basically) the logo was white lettering with a tan "broken wheel". They seemed to keep them cleaner both then and in the earlier days of the orange livery. If anyone fancies running a set in grey, just match the paint on the bubble to the grey on the chassis of the orange ones.
  10. Thanks, Ernie, i've just ordered some! With the assistance of Vol. 1 of Patrick O'Sullivan's history of the Valentia line, in which he has drawings (to what looks like 2mm scale) of Cahirciveen and Mountain Stage stations, I'm doing a drawing at the moment of something roughly in between the two in size. Mine will have what will look like a felt-surfaced roof, as some such buildings had. While many corrugated iron buildings had (have) roofs of the same material, I just thought it would look a bit like overkill on the model. There will be corrugated-sided goods shed also!
  11. I didn't know any were as late as 1985...... anyway, it amplifies the point that I made that with a "1" on the door and antimacassars, original livery only. In a spirit of helpfulness to a young modeller, I recently gave him my copy of Doyle & Hirsch, the Bible for such things. (Do I have to be politically correct and say koran as well?)..... Now im regretting it! I'll have to get another copy......
  12. Superbly ingenious! When my latest effort is complete, it will be viewable from all sides, so a backscene wont be needed, but in its semi-permanent home I may put something like that on the wall it's against. Inspiring stuff - thanks!
  13. Ernie - is that light 4mm stuff Slaters too? I wonder what reference number it is? That's exactly what I'm looking for.
  14. Many thanks, Broithe. If it was flat underneath, it might aid construction. That said, I wouldn't want it to be obvious how thick it was. Was browsing Valentia line stations this evening. Some were corrugated iron and some wooden plank. I think I'll go for corrugated as first choice, but if I don't like the look of my efforts, or indeed the construction materials themselves, the wooden plank version will appear instead.
  15. Anyone seen this stuff - is it coarse and toylike or realistic enough? Checked Marks Models website, and they don't seem to stock it. Need to order from Brexitland, presumably........
  16. I had that idea myself. I looked to see what was available commercially, and there's a very nice Skaledale one (Butterley extension) which looks like what I want. It's a wooden building, which I'd be prepared to have, as my location is fictitious. I have done a rough design, so it'll be much like Mountain Stage or Valentia or the like. Must try to finish it tonight!
  17. Would you have photos of these buildings, Andy? I'm hoping to get the station drawings done tonight or over the next day or two.
  18. Very many thanks, gents. It's for a small shed, the superstructure of which is already made out of heavy cardboard. I'd be looking for something that can be cut into the right dimensions and glued onto the sides of it. The roof will be easy enough - card or plastic sheet painted and with tissue over it to look like a felt roof. I'm thinking of doing the station building the same way, a bit like West Cork or Valentia.
  19. Anyone know where I'd get decent quality, realistic 00 scale model corrugated sheeting? I'm sure I saw something online once but can't find it. I'm trying to make buildings similar to what you'd find on the Valentia line, or many locations in West Cork. Any kits I find look far too toy-like, and for good measure cost a kings ransom to post from England. I'll make my own, but I need something that looks like scale sized sheeting!
  20. I was on an RPSI steam train in 1970 which stopped on the runway for a photo opportunity. A military plane was nearby on the same runway, parked. It was in use then, and when necessary, trains were called upon to stop. I understand that particular runway is no longer used.
  21. There's a "Supertrain" livery 141 class on eBay for Stg£93....
  22. Yes, it would. The strong probability is that is indeed a narrow gauge one.
  23. I have B188 in original 1960s black'n'tan. Would anyone be interested in swopping it for a 141 in the same original livery?
  24. Looking at those proportions it may well be narrow gauge. On a sleeper for 3ft gauge track, the actual sleeper length would be about 4 ft 6 or possibly 5ft. If it's any longer than 5ft, it'll be a 5ft 3 sleeper, which could be from anywhere, I suppose.
  25. It should be indeed, Peter, and on a layout it does make all the difference. Look at a typical lineside photo and you'll see. Typically, there's at least the width of a carriage between immediate trackside and perimeter wall / hedge / fence. Great project - looking forward to seeing it develop.
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