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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. I'll be there on the Saturday so will be calling to say hello. TDR
  2. Good luck and best wishes to Hattons on the relocation of their shop. I've always found them pleasant and fair to do business with in the past forty odd year's. TDR
  3. Tom not wishing to steal you thread, but if anyone in the Derry/Londonderry area would be interested in starting a club they could pm myself with their contact details. TDR
  4. Amazing layout, well done TDR
  5. Great piece of engineering Noel, keep it coming. TDR
  6. Love the addition of the cabins and such detail to their interior space, pure class TDR
  7. Superb stuff. Well done Sir
  8. My old toy box in Smithfield market Belfast has lots of diecast TDR
  9. Hi claretrainman, welcome to the forum:cheers:, lots of help and advice on here:tumbsup:, it just gets better, TDR
  10. Some nice scenes Andy an impressive factory building also, keep the pics coming TDR
  11. Great piece of filming Kieran well done love the rail car set TDR
  12. New Irish Lines November 2015 has just dropped through the letter box looks to be a Good read with a coffee on my return from work tonight. TDR
  13. Warley Exhibition 2015 Some pictures I took of the Warley exhibition 2015. I attended both days and was not disappointed, although Saturday was the busiest. Thanks to everyone whom made the effort and took time to talk and discuss any queries I had. I agree with Noel in that “Warren lane” was the layout to see. It continually kept your interest with the gantries lifting and laying continuously when trains weren’t passing, a great layout The home land was well represented by four layouts, Standfording GNRi in 7mm, O’Connell’s St Trams, Schull OOn30 and Valencia Harbour 4mm, all demonstrating different themes and aspects. Well done to one and all A great weekend, The Derry Road Thanks for looking in TDR
  14. Broithe , thanks for the prompt reply and information, now the maiden city and Strabane are of one Council area, there maybe a stronger push/pull fight if funds/location can be obtained. I have already received a contact number a of club member and will be contacting them on my return home from Warley. TDR
  15. Noel, another time maybe, looking forward to tomorrow for a second innings,TDR
  16. I've noticed in the 2016 Hornby Dealer Directory, that includes clubs and Societies, there is a model railway club listed in Strabane, Co Tyrone Is anyone aware of their existence/contacts etc any information would be appreciated. TDR
  17. Kieran, just checking in from Birmingham and love the movements of the DH loco on video, will sometime have to arrange a visit to Kirley junction if possible, attending Warley again tomorrow.TDR
  18. Noel, wish I knew you'd been attending, could had said Hi, I will be there again tomorrow for some pictures and purchase's. TDR
  19. your attention to detail is first class, watching with great interest TDR
  20. superb piece of info, will come in handy on my own layout. Thanks for sharing TDR
  21. great collection Andy, would love to see more TDR
  22. Loving this layout, its really coming together, well done TDR
  23. Tidy piece of work Kieran, very nice indeed TDR
  24. Hope to see Blaine and the gang there at the weekend TDR Will post up some pictures of the warley show on my return
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