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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. I'm sold! Looking forward to it
  2. Great job, Noel! Nice picture, Dave! I was looking to confirm that 079 had the SA suffix in Supertrain as I recently renumbered my 086 based on an assumption without any confirmatory photographic evidence. Like Wrenneire's photo, some of the 141/181 class locomotives had an "S" suffix only.
  3. What era does it cover, JB? Well done!
  4. Would anyone happen to have or know where I can a photo? Thanks in advance
  5. Yup, nice wagons, would certainly buy some and hopefully some 'extra' generators from the twin packs
  6. Still looking for a few of these babies, especially the AE-06s
  7. It's a little expensive, Jim. It's about US$400 more than I want to spend on it right now. Sure, I can have a couple of Murphy's models for that Better have them throw in a tank of petrol for good luck
  8. The group has had trouble with its Chinese suppliers for many years after moving production from the UK in the late 90s. After extricating itself from a long-running contract, it had further problems this year The potential cost savings from moving it business to Chinese suppliers seem to have been more problematic in the end. wonder if it was a quality issue like MM or just getting to deliver product on time given the recent economic boom and inflation in China
  9. No longer available, so presumably sold
  10. Nice one, Noel!
  11. Please!……… don't anyone mention orange:D
  12. Forum rules state you must state a selling price. This is been decided by the moderators for transparency and to prevent sellers with a problematic history elsewhere abusing the site. I realize you're new to the forum. The forum rules are clearly posted for new members.
  13. No problem. Since you're new to this and you wanted to price your items to sell, you could ask around to see what would be a good price point to sell at. Just trying to help out so you don't end up like this guy on eBay who has been gradually reducing the price of a similar set as it has not sold http://m.ebay.ie/itm/BACHMANN-00651-IRISH-RAILWAY-CIE-2-6-0-CLASS-K1-LOCO-COACH-TRAIN-SET-/321940918326?nav=SEARCH You're free to name whatever price you wish however.
  14. It's not clear if you have stated a sale price for this item. Forum rules require a selling price when placing an ad
  15. Thank you both for replying in such a timely fashion! Was considering something but may hold off for now until I figure this out better. Had listened to a couple of locos but some didn't sound quite right and now I understand why Are these the modern ones I shjould be trying to look for?
  16. I have been looking into the Bachmann Class 20 with sound and there seems to be more than one sound chip available. It seems that Bachmann did their own chip which came installed (or at least included with)the Class 20. Howes models also seem to have done their own chip or can reblow one with their sound file. Some reports suggest that this is a better sound except the horns (if it's for a Hunslet). Does anyone British outline modeller on here have experience with the Class 20 sound? Does anyone know what SWD sound refers to? Opinions appreciated. Thanks in advance
  17. Don;t get me wrong, JB, I loved the orange ones best before I saw that shot which is really nice. While I understand the practicalities, I guess I don't fancy them as much in 'cement' livery
  18. That's a smashing livery. Wasn't into the bubbles so much but would definitely buy a rake of these in rtr:drool:
  19. The Q&A section is best in case anyone didn't read all the way down=)) Doesn't accept returns ………. should I go for it? The river Wye skirts the English-Welsh border, this one's further north;)
  20. What are you planning to convert to DCC? If you have older locos that do not run very well at present on DC, you may see a marginal or no improvement on DCC. Consider looking through some of the threads on the DCC section here to see what may be relevant to your situation
  21. That's exactly what I needed!:tumbsup:
  22. Looks like no recommendation for the Hornby 20 yet. If anyone is aware that this is a new build like the and not the Lima rehash, would you please post on this thread? Thanks in advance David, what sound chip are you using for the Hunslet and how did you program the horn? If I look for a secondhand Bachmann Class 20, are there different variations out there? Presumably I would be looking for a recent build. Any advice appreciated
  23. Was wondering why you had several late posts. It's time for Zzzzs ...., and I'm on Pacific right now
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