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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. I'm with you on this one, JB! And a kick in the head has a high probability of a serious injury and definitely gets prison time here. No one should have to volunteer to work for IR after causing this much damage to their vehicles which are paid for or subsidized by your taxes. He should have a compulsory sentence of six months cleaning every piece of graffiti from everything IE can find, so that he can fully appreciate his fellow artists reapplying their creations on a nightly basis. EDIT: Re-reading another source, that's actually what did happen pretty much:-bd
  2. Little slap on the wrist as usual:facepalm:
  3. OMG! What happened? RIP
  4. The most interesting thing about this is now that it is available for purchase there are 10 orders. I can't help but wonder if keeping some level of stock on the shelves, however small, wouldn't help increase sales of Irish outline overall.
  5. Really like that very much, Paul! Very good indeed
  6. Dave, I did not realize that these were Eoin's kits. In that respect, my opinion regarding the kits and their pricing is unbiased by any relationship personal or commercial with the vendor. So as a consumer these kits are expensive, as has been expressed by others on the thread also. I do not doubt that they are good quality, but I just cannot really see them becoming a mainstream product at that price. You are quite right when you say that Eoin has done a great job on the Dart. So good, in fact, that I would consider buying one from him and I have no particular interest in the Dart itself! That being said, I stand by my comments regarding the pricing of the kits. The constructive part has already been stated in the original post which is that these would become very popular if priced more modestly, aimed at the average modeler, however you wish to define that. Good night
  7. Hopefully this will help to move the progress indicator along on the IR models site. It seems to be stuck on 40%, but I'm sure it was already there before the SDMRC show where a LOT of orders were taken as I understand it. Good luck
  8. =)) Seriously? This is cardboard, right? This might be OK if you happen to be specifically modeling the kit that they happen to be peddling but there's no one going to outfit a layout with these buildings I don't think. I'm sure there's going to be a counter argument regarding R&D costs and all of that but I would be willing to bet there's an outrageous mark up on these. It's somewhat short sighted in many ways, because I'm pretty certain there's a market of modellers out there who would buy these when building layouts at a reasonable cost. ....whoops, just need to sidestep the stampede here
  9. Each time this happens I think of my own family and how someone else's mother, sister, or daughter was unwittingly caught up in this execution. Faced with this reality, our heated debates on model railway minutiae seem unimportant. In the interest of not grossly contravening the site rules I am refraining from writing what needs to happen here This is so very very sad
  10. That's why I called it "Super G":D What a monster
  11. Are there any on the site that we could see from the last batch to see how the resin body might turn out? The LED would be a welcome addition. What's the lightning rig? .... Or is that lighting, referring to the LED strip not being supplied with this batch?
  12. What chassis is recommended?
  13. Excellent, Alan! On a par with JB's parody on permanent way weed removal a while back!
  14. That's right. Sorry, I forgot everything could be purchased with Weshty's kit. Asked David to do one for me a very long time ago but didn't have the time. now I know why, he's been working on yours! Lovely model she looks smashing!
  15. What chassis does it run on JB?
  16. Thanks, Richie! A lot to assimilate form this thread but one thing's is for sure the longer the point and great the radius of curvature the better the running is going to look. Probably looking at 1:6 ratio points as much as space allows to allow visually more prototypically running over turnouts.
  17. Ha-Hah! Excellent, Patrick. I presume you've thrown a few seeds in the ground also
  18. Nice tip, Gene!
  19. Thanks very much for all of that, lads! Richie what's the spacing between tracks (rail to rail or centre-centre) in feet or mm OO scale?
  20. Looking forward to it, but going to take Richie's advice and stick them on a standard to deal with the roof detail issues:tumbsup:
  21. Wonder if the Gulf Stream could be reversed.... ?
  22. Yes, he's having a problem with the file upload
  23. Des, can you upload a picture of that one please? Tried to change the original attachment above. Think it looks well.
  24. Disclaimer: Not my original picture but downloaded from open domain (the site itself previously)
  25. Very well, JB! How serendipitous, Des! Is the point work a mainline crossover or changing roads to a platform etc. Low speed crossing? Do you have a picture to hand or I can look for photo of Mallow online Didn't know they existed, Richie but that's some impressive point work on the page. Hope I don't need any three-way points at that price:eek: Important to know that I can't go with Code 83 (which is common over here)if I use their point work. Anyone got any experience of how well their points work? Generally Peco seems to be the gold standard
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