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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Thanks for that, Richie! Lovely shot, Railer. I think you just sold some more wagons!
  2. Had a similar problem with 161saIf it's just the headlight, it's not the chip http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4753-Replacing-or-Repairing-Marker-Lights-and-Headlights-on-141-Class
  3. Thanks everyone for the answers. Could you post that one please, Railer?
  4. Seems like they're still available on the website, although orders taken at the show might not update on there. Incidentally, how many of these wagons would've traditionally been on a ballast train? Was there a set number in a rake or a range of lengths? And a plough van at either end?
  5. Are these resprayed from the railtrack livery?
  6. That's twice in two weeks
  7. It seems like it may not be advisable to try to convert them to a rake of gypsums then?
  8. Crossley engines, John?
  9. Very informative, excellent thread.
  10. Unfortunately this is a fact of life with any mode of rapid transportation, there will be accidents with some degree of frequency and intentional harm caused by the criminally orientated and the mentally unwell. The story is nothing that you would not find in the average newspaper and is a text only narrative of events. Unfortunely this (likely insane) woman would have found some other method to inflict this on the poor child (autobahn bridge, river etc.) Without trivializing anything, the child was very lucky to escape this with lower extremity amputation only from his encounter with the train. The psychological trauma will be the bigger problem. Bear a thought for the bystanders, driver an first responders also.....
  11. Like Eamonn, I would be interested in a rake of 15 as gypsums. Without sounding like an ingrate, is there any option to finish some of these wagons as RTR gypsums with correct running numbers, "gypsum only" signage?
  12. Looking very good, Tom. The only constructive point I would make is that the curtains seem to be a richer blue on the prototype due to the difference in materials. One of the characteristics that appeals to me is the two-tone effect. I think you've nailed the body color and nice details picked out on the chassis. The tie downs are particularly good!!
  13. Oh wow! Misunderstood you on that, Stephen. Apologies! (Hope it can stay that way, not for profit or whatever)
  14. True, and even so has been on there for several rounds....
  15. That'll be a disappointment for those based outside the EU to have to pay taxes there. However, I understand why you are not with this initial level of activity. If you're in talks with any model shops to stock products, a VAT registered model shop might provide a way to circumvent this, as it would be a recurring issue with future releases.
  16. It won't
  17. Traditionally when that question is asked on the site, nobody is going to state an amount in case you're selling it and they might wish to purchase it or vice versa. You could look on the For Sale or Wanted thread to get an estimate if one has sold on the site. You could look on eBay to see if one has been sold in the last three months or so. The 'value' at any particular time can vary depending on who might be interested in one at any particular time.
  18. No problem, Dave. It's all good! Genuine all right but yes more than one even back then. Still looking for a couple more and that restaurant you're holding for me.
  19. Could say the same after those MkIIIs, Dave. Not sure what prompted that?
  20. I'm on irishrailwaymodeller.com. Should I be on m.irish.... Or something?
  21. Yes, I just realized there is a problem on my iPhone too. Hadn't noticed until now as I have been selecting new posts rather than looking for a forum.
  22. Can the website handle ex VAT totals to outside EU yet? I tried to purchase 5 sets and didn't see any VAT deduction at checkout to the USA.
  23. Looks good, Kieran. DId you purchase or model it?
  24. Thanks for that elaboration, Patrick. This should help reassure buyers placing orders on the website rather than physically purchasing in one's local model shop. Do you anticipate being able to do a second run or a smaller run if required so that (in time) a selection of rtr stock would be somewhat 'available' to purchase to extend a rake/ for new modellers etc. or each is destined to become a collectible once the run is finished? Wish you all the best of luck with this, I really hope that this can gain some traction quickly.
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