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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Correct, but it's the purple and maroon and the swirls that are the problem:ROFL: To each, his own Looks well!
  2. Glad you freed enough fingers to type for help!
  3. Some beautiful wagons, Jim=D Love the cement and the permanent way!
  4. Beautiful livery even now. It's more elegant still than the newest 'Enterprise' livery will ever be
  5. Well, we wondered how long it would be before it would be turned 'the wrong way round'. I think it looks as ridiculous as the new number. Think this was always going to be a love it (those paid for 'designing' it) or hate it livery (the rest of us,…for the most part)
  6. Dave do you want to post a before and after to see the offending van and what works?
  7. More to spend on trains.........eh,..... or baseboards.... or whatever floats your boat
  8. Free baseboards for everyone in the audience!! Happy Birthday!
  9. So nobody has designed a speaker that will actually fit correctly? Isn't the MM 141/181 DCC 'ready'. Ready to have what installed exactly? Running- sure. How long has DCC sound been around (no, I don't know, for sure)
  10. Aren't there several Dave's on the site....... thought it might be Wrenn but not so sure?
  11. David, this is a fantastic pairing but I did not realize how well until I took out MM0112 and the Lima NIR coach pack and coupled them up tonight. The difference in the color is remarkable and I just fell out of love with the train as each in their own right are beautiful but the color difference is pretty profound. The Limas really are a very turquoise color by comparison with the MM blue 111 class loco, so, unless there is a '40 shades of blue' discussion about to evolve on this thread, these really are the biz=D
  12. Does anyone have a copy of this they'd like to part with? Kevin
  13. What about using Parcel Motel's NI address if they won't do it? Info on this thread http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3593-WANTED!-Bachmann-scenecraft-4-road-engine-shed-44-050/page2?highlight=Parcel+motel
  14. Can you reverse at running speed in a push-pull set?
  15. I presume the wide stock-check rail separation was to accommodate these older wheels. Newer wheels have smaller and shallower flanges and rpobably derail as they effectively have an ineffective check rail on the Hornby points. Still wondering if this is more or less of a problem on Code 75 (although Peco build Code 75 and are better points as everyone has 'pointed' out)
  16. Yep, focussed on Bear for nearly 10 minutes to get the reg so they could go home! No situational reference point other than being blindly guided by the Bear. There was probably a MiG on his six to boot. A distracted driver AND distracted co-pilot plus a squadron that had a reputation and condoned laissez-faire flying. Basics not matter what ..... airspeed, relative altitude. Should be ashamed to BRAG about it in an article - enough said
  17. I think you're probably correct. I think there's a little pussy on board more frequently nowadays than on the Shackleton;)
  18. Whose pilots are these exactly? No excuse for not keeping an eye on instruments in low-viz conditions. Modern fighter/interceptor aircraft have so much tech the pilots become complacent regarding situational awareness. THe HUD not turned on then?
  19. This is to be used as a lightship or a ferry? The crew should be able to find where they docked her even after a few beers! Probably look better after a few........
  20. Very nice job, indeed!. Is that scratchbuilt? Would be a lovely little kit in OO but I guess wouldn't have very broad appeal, I suspect
  21. Does anyone have any input on these points?
  22. And this is probably that probably occurs more frequently on express points, with a longer well due to the narrow angle of intersection?
  23. Knew that, but not what BBC stood for. Thanks
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